It's one thing to walk into the bathroom and find a cat minding his own business. It's another thing entirely when it sh.. Read More
This Clever Kitty Cat Communicates Through Buttons!
This cat was trained to communicate by pushing buttons! Listen to what she has to say...
Simon's Cat In... Puppy Sitting!
In this rarely colored episode, we see Simon's cat dealing with a new puppy that is being taken care of.
What Our Pets Were REALLY Thinking During Lockdown...
This cat doesn't seem to approve of his owner's quarantine habits, and it's hilarious!
Cute Corner: Puppy vs. Kitten!
A beautiful puppy and a gorgeous kitty play-fighting as if there was nothing else important in the world.
A Special Simon's Cat: The Origins Story!
A very special episode of Simon's Cat
Cats and Dominos Go Really Well Together...
This video uses multiple ways to involve cats in domino play, and it's just hilarious.
7 Ways to Treat Sinus Headaches
7 natural ways to treat sinusitis pain.
How to Tell If a Virus Warning Is Real or Fake - 12 Tips
If you see a barrage of security alerts popping up on your computer, then it might be sign of a virus attack.
Hilarious: 19 Times the Universe Decided to Be Ironic...
These photos capture the most brilliant comedic irony caught on camera!
Hilarious! 16 Photos of Cops Having a Good Time...
These 16 photos prove that police officers can have a cracking sense of humor!
Here's One Prank That's a Woman's Worst Nightmare!
Watch in horror as the Just For Laughs team pretends to rip a woman's nail off during a fake manicure session!
These 17 Cakes Went Terribly Wrong and It’s Hilarious!
All 17 of these baking attempts failed miserably, but somehow, it’s absolutely hilarious!
FUNNY: I’m Guessing These People Don’t Believe in Safety
These people clearly don’t care about safety.
This Little Dog Amazed Everyone Watching Its Performance
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to have a talking dog? Well wonder no further and meet Wendy!
These Funny Signs Made Me Holler!
Feeling sad or bored? After reading these 12 side-splitting signs, you will no longer have those two problems on your hands.
Laughter is the Best Medicine: Master the Art of Humor
Humor has the power to change your life.
You'd Think These Hilarious Signs Wouldn't Be Needed!
Whoever decided to put these hilarious signs up was clearly intent on having a laugh.
From Funny to Weird: These Signs Have It All
These signs are each funnier and more bizarre than the last. What were these people thinking?
Hilarious: Best of Terrible Strangers Pranks!
This prank compilation focuses on 'terrible people' and the weird things they do before you discover it's a prank!
These 14 Photos Were Taken Just a Moment Before Disaster
These perfectly timed photos are hysterically funny!
Are These the Funniest Animal Photos Ever Captured?
If you love animals, then get ready to laugh your head off, since the annual Comedy Wildlife Awards are with us once again!
18 Funny Animal Pics That'll Give You Some Cheer!
Here is a collection of some adorably funny animals being silly and cute at the same time.
Funny Prank: He Must Be a Benchologist…
Why is this doctor checking a park bench?!
Is That a Cat or a Fish? 15 Wacky Details in Medieval Art
Medieval artists sure used some weird logic while making their animal artworks.
These Hilarious Photos Perfectly Sum Up Married Life
here are some of the most stereotypical and over the top internet's funny jokes about married life. Enjoy these hilarious marriage memes.
Get Ready to Laugh with these Witty Comics
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-panel comics by cartoonist D.T. Walsh.
These Witty Rejoinders Just Gave Me a Big Grin!
These zingers come from the mischievous mouths of history's most loved celebrities. Prepare to laugh.
The Funniest Vehicle Hauls I've Ever Seen...
These vehicles are taking on a little more than they can manage.
Hilarious: Why You DON'T Send a Man to the Grocery Store
Sending a man grocery shopping - what could possibly go wrong?
These Dad Jokes Will Make You Groan and Laugh
Laugh along with this hilarious collection of classic dad jokes.
Hilarious: 16 Times People Didn't Pay Attention...
If you ever doubted the fact that knowing English is important, these hilarious mistakes made on public signs will definitely change your mind once and for all!
11 Hilarious Texts That Are Basically Marriage in a Nutshell
Married life isn't as rosy as it's portrayed, but that doesn't mean there can't be plenty of humor. Check out these 11 hilarious text message conversation.
Have You Ever Seen More Hilarious Animal Photos?
Just like humans, animals have their hilarious moments too.
Interior Design Fails: You Won't Believe This!
Some people have to live with really absurd home designs that make no sense. Take a look.
Simon's Cat Presents: A Day in the Life of a Cat!
This colored episode brings us a day in the life of Simon's Cat. Let's see what that looks like...
These Hilarious Comics Are All About Words Colliding
Ready for a chuckle? Enjoy these pun-tastic homophone comics.
Hilarious Tweets: Some of the Funniest Tweets of the Decade!
Twitter can truly hilarious to use thanks to the contribution of some of its more prominent users. Here are 18 hilarious Tweets with unexpected ends.
The Signs at This Gas Station Made the Entire World Laugh!
Surely enough, these hilarious signs will have you laughing for hours!
Hilarious: Are These Weirdest Signs Ever Made?
Enjoy this hilarious compilation of weird signs that will have you in stitches!
Hand These Guys a Towel and Get Ready to Laugh!
This hilarious performance involves two young Frenchmen who have just a towel apiece to preserve their modesty. Watch this side-splitting performance.
Hilarious 13 Tattoos Terribly Translated
Funny pictures of poorly-translated tattoos
Eek! Remember When Chaplin Got Trapped in the Lion's Cage?
This classic scene has me rolling around the floor every time...
WATCH: 10 Funny Xmas Editions of 'Simon's Cat' All in One!
These hilarious cartoons from Simon's cat serve to remind us not to forget something really important: It's Christmas for our cats too!
Only Grammar Nerds Will Appreciate These Jokes
These grammar jokes are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.
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