
Rose Shaped Apple Tart

These apple tarts shaped like a flower will impress any eye that lays upon it. They seem like intricate sculptures, but they're truly easy to make. While this recipe will have a few more ingredients than the rest, most of them are optional and the simplicity and amazing result of this recipe will make you want to make it right now!


Prep Time 1 hour
Serves: 10
Difficulty Level: Medium
Ingredients for tarts:
Water - 2 cups
Lemon - 1 (halved)
Brown sugar - 2 tbsp.
White sugar - 2 tbsp.
Ground cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.
Nutmeg - 1/2 tsp. (freshly ground is best)
Apple - 2 (sweeter or red cultivars are best)
Puff pastry - 1 roll (thawed)
Jam - 3-4 tbsp. (any of your choice)
Lemon juice - from 1 lemon
Method of preparing the tarts:
  1. Mix the lemon juice and water in a bowl. Core and slice the apples into thin slices. You can use a mandolin slicer for even slices.
  2. Soak the apple slices in the water-lemon mix, and microwave them for 2-3 minutes. Drain and set aside.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the brown sugar, white sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Using only half this mixture, coat the apple slices.
  4. Slice a sheet of puff pastry dough into 6 even strips. If the short side of the rectangle is facing you, slice horizontally.
  5. If there's extra flour on the dough, dust it off. Brush each strip with jam (you can also use jelly, melted butter, or egg-wash) and sprinkle with the cinnamon-sugar mix.
  6. Work on each strip individually. Arrange the apple slices so they peek over the top edge of the dough strip, overlapping. Fold the dough strip over the apples so they're securely tucked in, pinch the edges, and roll the strip tightly to form a flower. Use the video for guidance.
  7. Heat oven to 375°F (190°C). Grease a muffin pan, and insert the flowers as individual muffins.
  8. Bake for 40 minutes. Check after 30- if it's too brown on top, cover with aluminum foil for the last 10 minutes.
  9. Using a knife, loosen your apple flowers from the baking dish and allow them to cool on a wire rack. Finish off with powdered sugar and serve.
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