Solar Jokes

Why did Frankenstein turn to solar?
For the free charge.
Son: Father can you tell me what a solar eclipse is? Father: No sun.
I’m like a solar panel absorbing your radiant sunshine energy.
A wind turbine saw a solar panel at an energy convention. He leaned in and shouted, Hey, I’m a big fan!”
What do you call a polar bear in Florida?
A solar bear.
I heard they sent a beer into space, destined to leave the solar system. They called it Interstella Artois.
Of all the planets in all the solar systems in all the galaxies, I'm so lucky you walked into mine
Mind if my comet enters your solar system?
"Dad, can you tell me what a solar eclipse is?"
"No sun."
What do you call a solar powered keyboard?
A photosynthesiser
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