Produce Jokes

“No matter how calmly you try to referee, parenting will eventually produce bizarre behavior, and I’m not talking about the kids. Their behavior is always normal.”

- Bill Cosby.
A major produce organization is reeling after multiple reports of tainted lettuce.
We may soon witness the falling of the Romaine Empire.
A packing plant received a load of lettuce to process. The workers grabbed the boxes quickly from the top and the bottoms fell out spilling the produce.
The boss yells, grab the boxes by the bottom, or heads are going to roll!
Why don't quarterbacks share puns at the line of scrimmage? Because they produce audible groans!
Why don’t quarterbacks share puns at the line of scrimmage?
Because they produce audible groans!
What do you call the people that you eat grass and produce milk alongside?
Flashier Great Tits Produce Stronger Sperm, Bird Study Shows.
If Russia wants to be the first country to produce a vaccine ...
... Then Soviet.
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