Extreme Jokes

According to my therapist, I have extreme trouble verbalizing my emotions.
Can’t say I’m surprised.
Row row row your boat.
Rowing gently down the stream.
Life is so extreme.
There was a Young Lady of Russia,
Who screamed so that no one could hush her;
Her screams were extreme,--
No one heard such a scream
As was screamed by that Lady from Russia.
There was a Young Lady of Russia,
Who screamed so that no one could hush her;
Her screams were extreme,
No one heard such a scream,
As was screamed by that lady of Russia.
Once a cobra bit Chuck Norris.
After 5 days of extreme pain... the snake died.
My twins give me chills, dehydration, fatigue, fever, loss of appetite, and extreme diarrhea.
Their names are Sam and Ella.
"I worked my way up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty."
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