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FUNNY: The 18 Most Insanely Obvious Signs Ever Made!

Signs. They're supposed to inform, instruct, and sometimes even inspire. But sometimes, they achieve the opposite, leaving us questioning their very purpose. The following 18 signs are prime examples. This collection features 18 painfully obvious signs guaranteed to make you laugh (or groan, depending on your mood). Check them out for a hearty laugh!

Related: Hilarious: When Signs Think You're an Idiot

1. Is there another stop sign hiding underneath?

Funny Signs,

2. Where do they lead to?

Funny Signs,

3. Any idea what's served here?

Funny Signs,

4. I almost walked through when the sign wasn't there. True story.

Funny Signs,

5. Now, where's the sign that tells me the sky is blue?

Funny Signs,

6. Not sure if this sign is helpful or incredibly lazy

Funny Signs,

7. Finally, a warning label I can get behind

Funny Signs,

8. Thanks, Captain Obvious. Now, which way do I go?

Funny Signs,

9. Oh, man, that wall looked so punchable! 

Funny Signs,

10. But...

Funny Signs,

11. This sign feels like it's judging me for wanting to walk further

Funny Signs,

12. Pretty sure my GPS lied about this shortcut. At least there's a nice view!

Funny Signs,

13. This sign is here for the same people who need a reminder to breathe.

Funny Signs,

14. And while we are talking about breathing... Sigh

Funny Signs,

15. Wow, thanks for the clarification. Here I thought it was made from magic spells

Funny Signs,

16. Captain Obvious strikes again!

Funny Signs,

17. Who knew? Thanks for the groundbreaking news, sign!

Funny Signs,

18. Is there a sign for the useless sign?

Funny Signs,
All images: Dump a Day
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