My Dear Child, Here are 8 Times I Meant to Say ‘Sorry’
Dear child, I love you, I always have and I always will, but there are many things I should apologize for. Here are 8 of my 'sorrys'.
These Adorable Animals Sure Know the Importance of Family!
The concept of family was hardly invented by humans. Animals know just as well as we do the importance of loving and spending time with your family.
These 15 Upwardly Mobile Dogs Think That They're Humans
Because we all love dogs, we know we can have a good laugh with them. The following 15 dogs are hilarious because they think they're people.
These Photos of Animal Families Will Brighten Your Day!
These portraits of animal families are some of the best photography I've seen in a while. We're sure you will agree!
Kids And Puppies Are the Perfect Way To Brighten Up a Day!
For the most part kids and dogs are a handful, but when they sleep it's impossible not to fall in love with these charming little ones.
These 40 Beautiful Birds Were Perfectly Photographed
40 great bird photographs taken in Taiwan by the well-known Taiwanese photographers John and Fish
How to Raise Happy Children: 10 Scientific Steps!
The most important thing for kids' success is their happiness, and these 10 top tips for getting your kids and grandkids happy are backed by science!
Beautiful: What Kids Should REALLY Be Taught at School!
Children and young teens need to be taught life lessons, that will enable them to be independent and certain, yet respectful.
These 5 Holding Positions Can Help a Baby in Many Ways
If you've ever wondered how to help your baby release gas, burp, or even just calm them when they're crying, read this article and learn 5 new holding positions!
How to Practice Self-Care When Supporting a Sick Spouse
we decided to help you with 8 expert tips, each of which will help you cope with the changes life has brought to your relationship with an ill partner.
They Taught Us Our Multiplication Tables All Wrong!
Most multiplication tables are designed really badly, so hardly anyone can learn from them. Read on to see what a real times table looks like.
Are These Schools the Most Unusual In the Entire World?
Many of us were educated in traditional classrooms, but the same cannot be said for the students at these 14 highly-unusual schools. Learn about them today.
Children's Allowance: When and How Much Should You Give?
In the following article, you'll discover what experts in psychology, parenting, and financial management have to say on the subject, along with 5 tips to help you give your children pocket money
Calm a Loud Baby by Massaging These 7 Points on their Feet
From tummy pains to constipation and sinuses, applying pressure to these 7 points will help soothe your baby's ailments.
A Story of a Little Girl and Her Guardian Angels...
This short story will remind you that there is always someone to watch over you in this life...
As a Baby Grows, THIS is What It Will See...
It's no secret that babies see the world differently than the rest of us do, and this video will show you just what their visual development looks like.
55 Questions You Can Use to Strengthen a Relationship
These questions can be used to start a light to heavy romantic conversation with your partner.
How to Tell Your Children You Have Cancer
What's the right way to tell your children you have cancer, and are there situations where you shouldn't?
This Mother's Letter to Her Daughter Touched Me Deeply
There is nothing quite like a mother's love for her daughter, as this heartbreaking letter reveals. Prepare to be moved.
A Guide for Buying Toys for Kids by Age
Here is our guide to buying children's gifts by age.
Marriage: 7 Fascinating Studies We Should All Read
7 different studies that shed some light on marriage, and perhaps offer insights and tips that will help you understand your own relationship better.
The Naked Truth Behind Why Men Don't Listen to Women
Have a good look at the 10 biggest reasons why men don't always appear to listen to the women in their lives.
What to Teach Your Children About Love
Nine lessons every parent should teach their children about love.
Understand Your Grandkids Better by Asking These Questions
These questions will help you understand and connect with your grandkids better.
Everyone Deserves Self-Care: 6 Easy Tips for Parents
A reminder for parents to take time for themselves. 6 small ways to practice self-care in a parent's busy everyday life.
Heartwarming! The Special Bond Between Mother & Son
These pictures illustrate just how special the bond between a mother and son truly is. Take a look:
No, They Aren't Identical Twins! They're Mother & Daughter
No, they are not identical twins, but mother and daughter! See if you can guess who of the two is the mother and who is the daughter:
My Beloved Daughter, I Want You to Heed My Advice!
10 things that every parent wants to let their beloved daughter know.
Childcare Costs Got You Down? Read This!
Childcare on a budget? Yes, it's possible!
13 Fun Activities That Help Babies Develop Properly
In the first weeks of life, your baby will usually be busy sleeping and eating. to add some excitement to this routine, do these 13 activities!
Develop Your Kid’s Curiosity and Imagination in 40 Questions
Learn how to ask your kids questions that develop their imagination, curiosity, and creativity ...
Another Good Reason to Put the Phone Aside When With Kids
Extensive research on this topic has consistently shown the importance of giving our undivided attention to our children in order for them to learn and grow.
Important: How to Tell if a Child is Being Bullied!
Know a child who is being bullied or is doing the bullying? Read through this guide.
5 Tools to Help You Make a Strong, Stable Family
What tools can we use to make our family stronger and less dysfunctional? This article will help you by giving 5 tools to do just that.
24 Coloring Pages for Kids Who Love Outer Space!
24 fun and free coloring pages for kids who love science and to color!
When Times Get Tough Stand By Your Partner's Side
Ensure that your relationship with your partner will stay as strong as ever by bearing in mind these six important tips.
This Invisible Enemy Can Ruin Even the Best Relationships
How to identify and deal with the threat of resentment in a relationship.
55 Things a Loving Man Does for the One He Loves
In order to show that men do express their love, here is a list of 55 things men do to show affection.
9 Ways to Help Kids Study Pleasurably, Easily & Memorably
Studying is one of the things people don't often enjoy. That is because they haven't been taught how to study. Here are 9 scientifically proven tips.
8 Things You’re Doing That Are Spoiling Your Child
The desire to help our children and keep them happy all the time may make them spoiled, so avoid it by following these 8 tips!
10 Life Lessons We Should Pass to Our Children
Slowly, these lessons will sink into your child’s mind and change the way they think about themselves and see the world.
7 Ways to Inspire Your Children to Do Chores
These tips will help you encourage your children to help out around the house and teach them the importance of teamwork.
Parenting Tips: How to Put a 2 Year Old to Bed
This video tutorial offers practical solutions tailored for your 2 year old's bedtime.
These 11 Phrases Mean the World to Your Adult Kids
Want a better relationship with your adult children? Say these things to them.
21 Super Creative Ideas For Fun Activities With Kids!
You don't have to be young to help children develop with these 21 fun activities. See for yourself and help that little darling grow up strong and happy!
12 Important Body Gestures Babies Make
Get to know what these 12 body gestures babies make mean so you can really understand what your baby wants...
9 Tips for Preventing Your Children's Bedwetting
Follow these 9 tips that can help you free your child from that frustrating nightly bedwetting.