HILARIOUS: These Pets are Real Drama Queens!
Just like humans, some pets throw tantrums when they want attention. Just look at these 12 hilarious four-legged drama queens.
Hilarious! Here Are 15 Animals Having a Really Bad Day...
Humans aren't the only ones who can have a really bad day every once in a while, and these 15 hilarious photos prove it!
These 16 Hilarious Cat Photos Made My Day!
Cats are the funniest pets in the world and these 16 photos prove it.
Hilarious: Cats are Some of the Funniest Creatures
Prepare for a foray into the delightful absurdity of living with cats.
Is This the Cutest Dog Breed Ever? See For Yourself!
One of the most famous dog breeds on the internet is certainly the Shiba Inu. Here are 20 cute photos of this fantastic kind of dog!
These Adorable Canadian Cats Will Melt Your Heart
Have you ever heard of monorail cats? If not, then you're in for a pleasant surprise!
14 Animal Guests Who Invited Themselves into People’s Homes
The various animals in these 14 stories may have shown up to people’s homes uninvited, but they all ended up being the best guests imaginable!
Lions are Just Big Kitty Cats Deep Down!
Lambert is a rescued lion that likes rolling in his blanket! How cute!
Tibetan Mastiffs: The Most Beautiful Big Dogs In the World
Tibetan Mastiffs are beautiful beasts and absolutely adorable pets to keep around, and these pictures are absolute proof
16 Vintage Photos of Sweet Dogs Throughout History
If you’re a dog lover, this post is for you!
These Adorable Animals Believe They Are Super Models!
These adorable animals know exactly how to work the camera!
These Lucky Owners Have Matching Sets of Pets!
a collection of adorable furry companions and their animal look-alike
What Do Our Pets Do When We're Out? An Adorable Answer
What do pets do when you're not home? Why, act naughty of course!
When Dogs Believe They Are Actually Cats...
These dogs are convinced they are actually cats in disguise!
20 Adorable and Inspirational Quotes about Dogs
Every dog lover needs to read these adorable and inspirational quotes about our furry friends.
There's One Type of Dog that Always Makes Me Laugh...
This adorable compilation of the famous sausage dogs will make you melt. Enjoy this video compilation of one of the cutest and funniest dog types having fun with people!
Funny & Cute: When Dogs Realize They're Going to the Vet...
When dogs realize they are going to the vet, hilarity ensues.
14 Animals Who Could Teach You a Lesson in Relaxation
Here's a collection pictures of adorable animals who seem to have attained the ultimate level of relaxation.
20 Funny & Cute Dogs and Cats Gazing Longingly at Food
These adorable pets can't keep their eyes off the food plate and stare so longingly at it that you will feel hungry, too!
Dog Lovers, You're Going to Agree With Every Word...
There are so many beautiful stories about man's best friend.
Start Your Day Right With the Cutest Online Video Stars!
Baby animals are just the cutest, and because we know that you love them, here's a collection of 9 animal compilation videos for one big dose of cuteness!
These Adorable Cats Are Having a Bad Jump Day...
These cats are having an off day - and it's pretty hilarious!
Dogs Meeting Kittens for the First Time Are Too Adorable
When friendly dogs meet kittens for the first time the results are just too adorable. Check it out for yourself. You won't be disappointed.
A Terrific Dance of Dog and Human!
In this fantastic dance, this pet owner uses a mirror to convey both subtext and some fabulous dance steps for her 4-legged partner.
A Friendship This Adorable Has Never Before Been Seen!
There are many odd friendships between different types of animals, but this tiny dog and even tinier birds have formed the best one.
Who's Afraid of a Little Cat? Meet These Adorable Pooches
Here are some dogs who'd like to move freely around their own home - but will they be allowed to?
It's a Cat Day Today: Adorable and Funny Photos of Felines
It's time to get your feline fix, for today is Cat Day!
These Adorable Baby Donkeys Will Warm Your Heart
These photos of incredibly cute baby donkeys will make you realize how adorable and cuddly these farm animals really are!
Watch This Huge Dog Fall in Love with a Tiny Piglet...
The love between this huge dog and tiny pig is so adorable.
This Dancing 3-Year-Old Will Definitely Make Your Day!
This dancing Chinese toddler will make your day. It doesn't get much cuter than this!
Too Cute! These Happy Dogs Will Make You Smile
These are 15 of the happiest dogs, with the best smiles on the internet.
These Lovely Sentiments Will Ring True to All Cat Lovers
These 10 memorable quotes, penned by famous people, truly describe the joys of owning a cat.
These 23 Hilarious Kitties Have Some Real Cat-titude!
Cats bring so much joy to world because they are both cute and hilarious, in equal measure. These 23 funny kitties will prove just that!
The Exploits of Adorable Dog Nannies is My Cute Fix for the Day!
Whether it’s a soft paw on a baby’s back or a playful game of fetch, these moments of canine compassion are sure to brighten your day!
22 of The Classiest Animals in the History of Classy
These animals are much too classy for you or I, they are simply too fancy.
If You're Feeling Low, Then Here's the Pick-Me-Up You Need
If you're feeling a little blue or are just looking for something to make you smile, then you've certainly come to the right place!
I Couldn't Help But Laugh at This Dog's Urge to Sing
Watch this French bulldog sing-a-long with his owner!
She's the Cutest Little Performer I've Ever Seen!
Heavenly Joy is a young girl with a big personality and talent to match. Watch her wow the America's Got Talent judges and audience with her singing and dancing.
The Incredible Acro-Cats Put On Quite the Show!
A great performance of trained cats performing all kinds of stunts and tricks.
These Cute Animals Just Wanted to Put a Smile on Your Face
These adorable and funny animal pictures are here to put a beautiful smile on your face in a blink of an eye!
Let Me Make Your Day Better With Some Bunnies...
Who can resist a good bunny? I hope these bunnies start your day off right!
Your Morning Fix of Unadulterated Cuteness is Right Here!
We all need a regular dose of cuteness in our lives. So, look no further, because these 5 vids are full of the most adorable creatures in all creation!
Catspotting Is Possibly the Best Outdoors Activity
Weather they're being funny or majestic, spotting a cat is always fun. Enjoy the highlights of 'Catspotting', a Facebook group that is all about furry encounters
You Won't See Animals Like This Anywhere But The Internet
These animals were born with genetic mutations that make them stunning and rare wonders of nature.
Cats? Being Bossy? Impossible!
These bossy cats won't take any business from anyone! This compilation is pure hilarity.
If You Ever Wondered Why People Love Dogs - This is Why
This is a tribute to the best friend that a man can have. Hear Hear to our favorite 4-legged friends!
The Purest Love: Grumpy Dads and the Pets They Didn’t Want
Here are 20 hilarious and adorable stories of grumpy dads who didn't want to adopt a pet, but became best friends with the pets not long after!