Situation Jokes

Why was the baker in a serious panic? He thought that he was in a loaf or death situation.
What do koalas do when they’re facing a tough situation? They grin and bear it.
When the teacher got frustrated because the students weren't paying attention to the class about Isaac Newton, he exclaimed, "Don't you understand the gravity of this situation?"
A sun walks into a black hole.
The black hole says to the sun "I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation".
A hydrogen molecule gets arrested.
His mother comes down to the police station to bail him out. She is met by the detective working the case.
I don’t understand it, says the mother. Hydrogen was always a good kid. I never had any problems til he met oxygen.
Don’t worry, says the detective. The situation is fluid but he won’t be charged.
An astronaut who normally fails on a weightlessness experiment, might surely be aware of the gravity of the situation.
I broke both my legs yesterday and now I have to use a wheelchair
I really can’t stand my situation right now.
I got a C in Physics and my parents grounded me.
They say I don't understand the gravity of the situation.
I broke up with my partner on our front stairs.
It was a stoop end to the situation.
Before my surgery my anaesthetist offered to knock me out with gas or a boat paddle.
It was an ether/oar situation.
Did you hear about the farmer who sold his sheep to slaughter because he wasn't making enough money from the wool? The situation went from baa-d to wurst!