Ships Jokes

What vegetable is not allowed on ships? Leeks.
Why do vikings have barcodes on their ships?
Its so they can scan-de-navien
Why do Norwegian ships have bar codes on them?
So when they come into port they can Scan-Da-Navy-In!
What’s a whale’s favorite meal?
Fish and ships.
Why are snails allowed on ships?
Where does Google keep their ships?
In the Google Docs.
What do sailors buy to customise the back of their ships?
Aft-ermarket parts!
Why does the Norwegian navy have barcodes on the side of their ships?
So when they come back to port they can scandinavian.
Watched a TV show about how they build ships.
It was riveting.
What do Krakens eat?
Fish and ships.
Why did the kraken eat 5 ships that were carrying potatoes?
Because nobody can eat just one potato ship.
What vegetable isnt allowed on cruise ships?
Why don't they galvanize ships?
Because that would make them zinc.
If the pilgrims came on the Mayflower than what does the teacher come on? The scholar ships.
What do you call a group of lions partying on ships in Gibraltar?
A strait pride parade.