Patch Jokes

What do you get when a dinosaur walks through the strawberry patch? Strawberry jam.
Why did the dinosaur paint her toenails red? So she could hide in the strawberry patch!
You’re the cutest clover in the patch.
I saw my neighbor, slumped over his lawnmower, crying his eyes out.
I think he’s going through a rough patch.
What did the pirate call his vegetable patch?
His garrrrgh-den.
Scarecrows always garden their patch.
Why was the gnome just standing over his lawnmower and crying?
Because he hit a rough patch.
What did the vicar use for his vegetable patch?
Lettuce spray.
I just saw a man slumped over a lawn mower crying his eyes out.
he's just going through a rough patch.
Why did the Jack-O-Lantern go to the pumpkin patch?
Because he had holes in him.
A dog in a pumpkin patch is called...
a pumpkin pooch.
How do you fix a damaged jack-o-lantern?
You use a pumpkin patch.
I bought a pumpkin for Halloween but it was broken
So i had to get a pumpkin patch.
When Berry the dog dug up the woman's strawberry patch, she angrily exclaimed "That is the final straw, Berry."
You can fix a broken strawberry with a strawberry patch.