Physics Puns

I sense the electrifying presence of eyes hungry for our Physics Puns... Prepare for Hilarity, Physics-style.

Physics Puns

The frequency of bad physics puns on this category...

It hertz.
Never trust an atom. They make up everything.
I sit in front if my ex in physics.
There used to be a lot of friction between us.
I got a C in Physics and my parents grounded me.
They say I don't understand the gravity of the situation.
Einstein developed a theory about space. And it was about time too.
Why do physics professors prefer overweight students?
They have greater potential.
The local band stand was struck by lightening yesterday while the band was playing.
Only the conductor was hit.
A physics teacher is about to jump off a high bridge
When a friend stops him saying, "Don't do it, you have so much potential."
Some people think nuclear physics is interesting.
Well, in my opinion it's really Bohring.
My physics professor told me I had potential
Then he pushed me off the roof.