A social experiment gone right or just a fun way to meet some very determined people , this giant candy machine promises.. Read More
"Under The Sea" Played on BOTTLES?!?
Enjoy the unique tunes of the Bottle Boys band, playing "Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid on their handmade instruments!
This Male Kangaroo Loves to Flex His Muscles at the Ladies
Meet the buff male kangaroo who woos ladies with his lean and mean figure...
This Hand-Painted Japanese Candy Is TOO Pretty to Eat
This Japanese street stall sells the most beautiful candy we've ever seen!
Classic Comedy: Laurel & Hardy at Their Goofiest Best
Watch this classic short film from 1933 featuring the iconic comedic duo of Laurel and Hardy.
Hilarious - How Parrots Trick Kangaroos!
Just look at these naughty birds who constantly trick these poor kangaroos out of their food!
Adorable: Have You Seen the Baby Olympics?
Enjoy a giant smile as you see this video by the Olympics Channel.
In Photos: 15 Ways Crows are Smarter Than You Might Think
Crows may be much smarter than we ever realized.
A Closer Look at Nature: 2024 Close-Up Photography Winners
The magical winners of the 2024 Close-Up Photographer of the Year contest will leave you in awe.
Ladies, the Last Laugh Is Reserved Entirely for You!
These simple truths will comfort all you long-suffering women out there...
Prepare to Giggle: 22 Hilarious Animal Comics!
Sit back and enjoy this amusing collection of animal comics by Jimmy Craig.
The Wit and Humor of Groucho Marx – Funny Compilation
Sit back and enjoy this hilarious compilation of the funniest Groucho Marx insults and one-liners.
15 Funny Bumper Stickers to Brighten Your Day
There are some brilliant bumper stickers out there. Here are 15 that really made me honk my horn.
These Funny Notes Were Left For Inconsiderate Thieves
Sometimes, people don’t take very kindly to have their stuff stolen…
We Guarantee That These Dumb Jokes Will Make You Giggle
Here is a collection of jokes that are so dumb they're actually quite funny.
Totally Useless Signs That’ll Crack You Up
Here are 12 photos that really capture the silly side of humanity!
These 'Genius' Repairs Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
These photos prove that being an amateur engineer for a day may not work out as well as you'd like!
This Naughty Policeman Prank Is Utterly Hysterical!
This hilarious prank involves a naughty policeman, his enraged wife and a few innocent bystanders. What's for certain is that it's downright hysterical!
These Hotels Failed So Badly, It's Actually Funny
These hotel fails are too weirdly funny to ignore.
Spooktacular Halloween Pranks That'll Have You Howling
It's Halloween time, so sit back and enjoy these spookily funny pranks.
These Guys Have Some WEIRD Choices in Christmas Sweaters!
Some people just have bizarre tastes when it comes to Christmas sweaters.
Classic Comedy: Lucy Goes to Work at a Chocolate Factory
What happens when Lucy and Ethel go to work at a factory?
Hilarious: Animal Comedy is Never Wasted!
This video contains a compilation of funny animal moments.
Hilarious: They Could Have Done Worst... I Think.
When Construction Goes Terribly Wrong...
How Much Sleep Do We Need at Different Ages?
How much sleep do we need at 15? Is it the same at 35 or 60? No, and that is exactly what we would like to teach you about
Prank-A-Thon: The Funniest "Ouch!" Pranks
These are the best of ouch pranks for 2019 in one compilation video.
Laugh and Groan at These Hilarious Punny Jokes
These puns are pure gold for your laugh collection.
Classic Comedy: Russ Abbot's Masterbrain Can't Miss!
A hilarious sketch from the mind of Russ Abbott: Mastermind can't lose!
These Animals Are Sure to Crack You Up!
This hilarious compilation explores the world of funny animals meeting funny humans.
Hilarious: 25 Reasons Women Live Longer than Men!
These photos prove why women outlive men.
This Hilarious Seminar Teaches Couples All About Humor!
Marriage counselling is not for me - I prefer a bit of common sense to help my relationship along. That's why I loved this funny seminar by Mark Gungor.
Even Celebrities Go Through an Awkward Phase...
A list of 12 celebrity prom photos from the past
Warning: Funny Signs Ahead!
Here comes your favorite funny moment of the day!
A Nostalgic Yet Funny Routine by George Carlin Circa 1965
Today we know him as one of the mot successful comedians but, in 1965 George Carlin was only starting his career. This stand up routine might get you motalgic...
These Funny Comics Take a Sharp, Hilarious Look at Life
Enjoy this humorous collection of witty comics by artist David Ostow.
These Ridiculous Cars Will Make You Do a Double-Take
These ridiculous cars will make you double-take.
These Parents Have a Great Sense of Humor...
These parents have the best sense of humor about their daily struggles. So stay awhile and crack some smiles!
Crazy Enough to Work: Hilarious Quick Fixes
Here is a collection of masterpieces that may just inspire you to try some engineering for yourself:
Hilarious: These Silly Signs Will Lift Your Spirits!
Check out this collection of ridiculously funny signs that will make you chuckle and brighten your day.
FUNNY: Dad Turns his Kid's Lunch Bags Into Daily Laughs
Meet Dave, better known as “Sandwich Bag Dad,” whose hilarious dad jokes will have you chortling.
These Funny ‘Science Facts’ Will Leave You Confused
It’s not always that science makes us laugh, but these intentionally wrong science facts will give you a good chuckle.
These Thanksgiving Jokes Are Better Than the Turkey!
This Thanksgiving, serve up some laughter with these jokes and puns.
How on Earth Did These Dogs Get Into These Positions?
Discover the canine world's weird and wacky side with these 20 hilarious photos of dogs acting extremely strangely!
These Photos Could Only Have Been Taken In China...
China is a unique country full of unique characters, and this picture series proves it!
HILARIOUS: These Warning Signs are NOT Doing Their Job...
These warning signs are not doing their job well, are they?
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