15 Quotes by Meryl Streep That Inspires Everyone
Meryl Streep, the queen of acting, has shared many wonderful words on life and success that everyone will find inspiring.
14 Terrific Short Quotes That Bring Peace & Introspection
Get inspired for the day with these 14 short and witty statements from great thinkers and famous figures of all time.
Have You Read Any of the Greatest Novels of All Times?
In this article we'll discuss 12 books considered to be the greatest of all times, and see what kind of impact they made.
18 Terrific Quotes to Cultivate Motivation in Life
These beautiful life quotes are just the boost you need to be inspired for the day and feel more confident in your life.
These Tips Will Help You Start Reading Again
Reading skills not as strong as they were in the days of yore? Here are my tried-and-true tips to help you get back on the reading horse.
14 Quirky Inspirational Quotes to Put a Smile on Your Face
Feeling a little down? These humorous words of wisdom will inspire you with a smile.
The Conclusions Drawn From a 75-Year-Long Happiness Study
Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger is the fourth appointed head of the longest happiness study in history. Watch this video to see what its conclusions were.
Remind Yourself of Love's Meaning With These 15 Quotes
If you need reminding of the true value and meaning of love, read these 15 quotes to re-ignite that spark.
Did You Know the Origin of These 10 Superstitions?
Discover the interesting reasons behind why you're afraid of walking under ladders, seeing a black cat, breaking a mirror, and many others!
These Words from the Dalai Lama Will Open Your Mind
Here are some words from the 14 Dalai Lamas, the foremost spiritual leaders for people everywhere looking for inspiration and enlightenment.
Guide: How to Release Trapped Emotions
Trapped emotions can both physically and spiritually damage us. Here's how you can release them safely.
When People Say These 7 Things.... Beware!
If there is a person you suspect is like that, the next time he asks you for something try to notice if he uses one of the following 7 formulations.
Here's Why Everyone Should Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing exercises can help you relax as well as prevent a whole host of illnesses. Read all about how it works here.
Someone is Thinking About You Right Now...
You should share this special message with someone who's going through a difficult time in their life. It will help them and inspire them.
These 15 Concessions Will Make You a Happier Person
Some believe that the more things we have, the happier we are, but that's not true. Discover the 15 things you should actually give up to be happy.
It Only Takes 60 Seconds to Improve Your Life...
Each of these tips takes only 60 seconds to complete, and will help you enjoy life without stress.
14 Common Dreams and the Fascinating Truths Behind Them
Have you recently had a dream you didn't understand? Let us help by interpreting these 14 common dream symbols!
A Beautiful Poem About What REALLY Matters in Life
Overcome self-doubt with this touching poem about the essence of who we are...
Food For Thought: How to Live a Life Free of Regret
You can't control everything, but you can control what you think about it and deal with your regrets in a way that will benefit your life.
You Won’t Believe How Body and Mind Change Every 7 Years!
Philosopher Rudolf Steiner divided life into seven-year stages, and his conclusions about each stage can tell you a lot about our past and future.
This Meditation Guide Just May Change Your Life!
There is a free and effective way to improve your life in a variety of areas, find out how by reading this article....
Embrace Gratitude: 11 Quotes to Elevate Your Life
Let's remind ourselves of the beauty of life and how fortunate we are to be right here, right now, by reading though 11 gorgeous, wise quotes on gratitude.
11 of Eleanor Roosevelt's Most Inspiring Musings
Eleanor Roosevelt was an empowered woman with many wise words to share with the world. Here are 11 of her most inspiring quotes.
Even in Difficult Times, the Beauty of Gratitude Shines
Even if you're having a bad day, not feeling too good, or just feel dissatisfied with your life in general, you should always remember to be thankful. Here' why
9 Things I Learned When I Stopped Trying to Please People
If you feel like you're always pleasing others, please read this article to learn how to stop.
The Priceless Stone: A Father’s Touching Lesson
When a little boy wanted to know exactly what his value in the world was, his father had a creative way of showing him...
What is the Karpman Triangle, and Is it Affecting You?
Learn what the Karpman Triangle is and how it may be harming your family's relationship with each other...
Poem on the Outlook on Life: Remember and Forget
What should you remember in life? What must you forget? Take my words on this.
The Health and Mental Benefits of 'Slow Living'
In our fast-paced world, where constant connectivity and multitasking have become the norm, many are finding solace in the concept of slow living.
I Just Wanted to Say: I Love My Family
For a lot of people, family bonds run a whole lot deeper than just blood. If you feel this way about your family, be sure to share this greeting with them.
10 Things All Couples Need to Do to Be in Love Forever
Everyone talks about that special spark, but what's the secret to making it last? Every couple should know these tips...
7 Things to Consider When Life Isn't Going Like We Planned
Remember the following 7 empowering phrases that will help you get through tough times and steer your life back in the direction you aspire to.
A Bit of Wisdom: How to Fix a Broken Relationship
Fighting can lead us to a place in our relationships we never thought we'd be in. Learn how to fix and restore your relationships with these 9 tips!
18 Wholesome Messages Found in Unexpected Street Corners
We found these inspiring street messages that will help lift you up.
Quotes that Makes Your Body, Mind, and Soul Healthier
These quotes aren't merely inspirational; they're life-changing.
Are We Afraid to Ask Ourselves These Questions?
These questions should be pondered, the answers you give may change your outlook on life...
Audrey Hepburn - 16 Quotes on Love, Happiness and Optimism
Audrey Hepburn was one of the most beloved film stars and fashion icons of the 20th century. These quotes highlight her great heart, wisdom, and humility.
Got Low Self Esteem? 10 Tips to Boost Your Self Worth
Lacking self confidence? Here are 10 simple ways to boost your self worth.
You Won't Believe How Much Your Body Parts Say About You
Did you know that there are many body parts that can actually give off messages regarding our personalities?
You Really Need to Read These Brilliant Lao-Tzu Quotes
The ancient wisdom of Lao Tzu is still relevant to this day. Here are a selection of his wonderful quotes.
Interactive: What Does Your Zodiac Sun Sign Say About You?
his animated guide will ask you to select a zodiac sign and then open a big load of information and media for you to enjoy
Beat Negativity in Life by Doing This One Thing
Negativity is an unseen force that affects us continuously, every day. Life is hard, but negativity only makes it harder. It's time to change your outlook. Watch this.
You'll Never Be Downcast Hearing Sublime Quotes Like These
Here are some sublime quotes about life that will make you think twice about how you live yours...
Inspiring! This is What Christmas is Really About
To celebrate the festivities here are some inspiring quotes that will get you in the Christmas-cheer mood.
A Zen Tale: This Story Taught Me a Great Life Lesson
Everyone of us will be able to relate to this story.
These Quotes Will Inspire You to Be Who You Want to Be
A little motivation goes a long way. Let these quotes inspire you!