How's your spelling today? Good enough to pick the correctly spelled words matching the definition we provide? Of course it is! Have a go at our meticulously crafted multiple-choice questions that will separate the spelling bees from the mere drones. Remember, this isn't just a spelling test—it's a cerebral exercise designed for those who appreciate the nuanced tapestry that is the English language. So, grab your thinking caps, limber up those brain cells, and best of luck navigating this labyrinth of lexicography!
The act of renouncing or rejecting something
A figure of speech involving exaggeration
A small flute-like instrument
A large, powerful, or destructive whirlpool
Nonsensical talk; rubbish
A literary and musical form that typically has a romantic or dreamy character with nocturnal associations
A major change in the form, structure, or character of an organization or system
The philosophical attempt to describe things in terms of their apparent intrinsic purpose, directive principle, or goal
A solid material that can undergo large elastic deformations
The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations
Aesthetic and philosophical principles governing the design and ornamentation of artifacts
A statement of fundamental facts or principles regarding a domain of knowledge
An old term for an alchemist, especially one concerned with transforming common metals into gold
Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment
Of, like, or pertaining to heaven; celestial
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Absolutely outstanding! You managed to spell every (or almost every) single word in this quiz correctly! You either love to read a lot or are just naturally blessed when it comes to language skills. Keep up the good work, since people like you are few and far between! Make sure that you share this quiz with your friends and family to see if they're as talented as you are!
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