Do You Know These Medical Terms?

We've all had our brush with the world of medicine, whether we wanted to or not! Have you picked up anything of the terms they use in the medical world? Comprising 13 meticulously selected questions, this challenge invites you to test your knowledge of the language of medicine. From conditions affecting the body's intricate systems to the terms describing various treatments and diagnoses, each question is a step further into understanding the complexities of healthcare. Whether you're a budding medical enthusiast or simply curious, this quiz promises an enlightening journey through the essential vocabulary of the medical field.
What does "Dysphagia" refer to?
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty breathing
Loss of appetite
Pain in the joints
The term "Cyanosis" describes:
A bluish discoloration of the skin due to poor circulation
A type of skin cancer
Yellowing of the skin
Swelling of the lymph nodes
The term "Hepatomegaly" means:
Enlarged liver
Enlarged heart
Reduced ability to blood clot
Shrunken Kidneys
"Lipidemia" means:
High cholesterol levels in the blood
Low blood sugar
Infection in the blood
High blood pressure
"Phlebitis" means:
Inflammation of a vein
A type of bone fracture
Inflammation of the liver
A heart rhythm problem
"Cholecystectomy" is the removal of:
The gallbladder
The spleen
A portion of the intestine
The thumb
"Aphasia" is associated with:
Loss of the ability to speak or understand language
Memory loss
Loss of hearing
Reduced motor function
"Endometriosis" is:
A condition where the lining of the uterus grows outside of it
Inflammation of the ovaries
A type of benign breast tumor
High blood pressure during pregnancy
"Atherosclerosis" involves:
Hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to plaque buildup
Weakening of the heart muscles
Bursting of blood vessels in the brain
Inflammation of the toes
"Pneumothorax" is:
Air collecting in the chest cavity outside the lung
A lung fungal infection
Swelling in the back of the throat
Fluid accumulating in the lungs
"Nephrolithiasis" is the medical term for:
Kidney stones
Kidney tumor
Liver tumor
Liver death
"Thrombocytopenia" involves:
A lower than normal number of platelets in the blood
An increase in white blood cells
A rejection of donated blood
An inflammation of the neck veins
The medical term "Bradypnea" refers to:
Fast heartbeat
Slow, confused thinking
Abnormally slow breathing
Rapid involuntary movements
Applying For Medical School
Unfortunately, you didn't do so well. Nobody said you were a doctor, and there's no real reason for you to know the exact medical terms. However, when at the hospital or when talking about injuries and diseases, it helps to know the different terms, or you may not understand what is being discussed! Have a look at the answers to see where you went wrong and learn some additional facts about these medical terms.
First year student
You know quite a bit! That's more than most people do, as we are used to talking in layman's terms and not the exact medical terms. However, knowing these things does a lot to help you understand medical advice, help and instruction. Good for you for knowing so much. Have a look at our answers to see where you did go wrong.
A Full Fledged Medical Doctor
Wow, you really know your stuff! You have a great knowledge of medical terminology. We hope that doesn't mean you've spent a lot of time in hospitals! We hope, alternatively, that you have a great intellectual curiosity towards medicine or have worked in a related field. You did amazing, congratulations!
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