The winners of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year awards were recently announced. The winning shots from the ninth edition of the contest include dreamlike photographs of rolling green hills, frozen lakes, mysterious caves, and swelling sand dunes.
Chile's Benjamin Briones Grandi was named the International Landscape Photographer of the Year for his extraordinary portfolio of images from the northern coast of Chile’s Atacama coast. The first prize for the best single image went to Martin Broen from the USA for his incredible shot of a diver swimming inside a flooded cave in Mexico, Yucatan.
Over 3,800 images from around the world were submitted to this edition, including from the Netherlands, France, China, Iceland, and more. Scroll on and take a trip across the planet's most breathtaking landscapes.
Related: 2021 Landscape Photographer of the Year - 18 Winning Pics
Location: Chilean Coastal Dunes
Location: Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Location: Schlatenkees Glacier, East Tyrol, Austria
Location: Badain Jaran Desert, Inner Mongolia, China
Image source: International Landscape Photographer of the Year
Location: Cuejdel Lake, România
Location: Namibia, África
Location: Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina
Image source: International Landscape Photographer of the Year
Related: This Photographer Has Captured the Beauty of Icy Landscape
Location: Border Between Chile And Argentina, Patagonia
Image source: International Landscape Photographer of the Year
Location: Isle Of Eigg, Scotland
Location: Japan, Fukushima Prefecture, Mt. Nishiazuma
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