Nasty Jokes

There once was a man named Brice,
Who had a nasty head full lice.
He said, If I eat them,
Then I'll have beat them!
And besides they taste very nice.
There was an Old Man of Vienna,
Who lived upon Tincture of Senna;
When that did not agree,
He took Camomile Tea,
That nasty Old Man of Vienna.
I finally managed to get rid of that nasty electrical charge I’ve been carrying. I’m ex-static!”
I finally managed to get rid of that nasty electrical charge I’ve been carrying. I’m ex-static!
I used to get a nasty electric shock every time I touched something metallic. But thankfully I’m cured.
I’m ex-static!
What did the gardeners say when he discovered nasty weeds in his garden?
I have spotted spurge!
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