Suck Jokes

Why did the panda’s joke suck?
It was unbearable.
If you suck playing the trumpet, that's probably why.
What does Eric Clapton and a cup of coffee have in common? They both suck without Cream.
A vampire can't be a comedian. They just aren't funny, and worst of all they always know they suck.
What do bats say to vampires?
“You suck!”
What’s the difference between a Starbucks latte and a whore?
Nothing, they both suck and empty your wallet!
I think haikus suck.
Has to be five seven five.
Who came up with this?
“Thank you, 2:30 in the morning, for always being the first sign that tomorrow’s gonna suck.”
Jimmy Fallon
I hate going to the doctor because all he does is suck blood from my neck.
Do NOT go see Dr. Acula!
I really hate straws.
They suck.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Birthdays suck,
If they're not for you.

Happy birthday!

(Kevin Nishmas)
A mosquito asks for a date: "I'd like to take you out to suck blood on someones leg"
She says "I don't know, I feel like I'm going out on a limb here."