Billy Jokes

Billy turned in his art project and his teacher said, “This piece of paper has nothing on it?”
Billy replied “I know, I drew a blank.”
Billy turned in his art project and his teacher said, “This piece of paper has nothing on it?”
Billy replied “I know, I drew a blank.”
A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip. -- Billy Graham
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile. -- Billy Sunday
“It’s money. I remember it from when I was single.” – Billy Crystal
“It’s money. I remember it from when I was single” — Billy Crystal
“The best way you hurt rich people is by turning them into poor people” – Billy Ray Valentine (Eddie Murphy) Trading Places
What do you call an immature goat?
A silly billy.
Two goats are married, living on a farm. Billy Goat says, "I really want children. Let's make some babies."
Betty Goat responds, "Heck no. No baby goats for me..."
"I'm not kidding."
I should change my name to Billy and get a job as a radio show presenter.
Then I can finally be a Billy-on-air.
“Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is the bicycle repair kit.”- Billy Connolly
What kind of tea does Billy like?
Young Billy had to mail a loaf of bread at the toast office today.
I'm so glad our Billy inherited his mother's intelligence
...and I got to keep mine.
“In LA we get coyotes in our garbage cans. Coyotes are just like my relatives. They go out in pairs, they whine at night, and they go anywhere there’s food."
- Billy Crystal