Belong Jokes

What family does Maiasaur belong to? I don't think any families in our neighborhood have one!
Why does the spinal cord belong in the brass section of an orchestra?
Because of its dorsal and ventral horns.
What do you call cheese that doesn’t belong to you?
Nacho cheese!
How about you let me take you to the Planetarium? You seem to belong there since your beauty is celestial.
Where do bad jokes about skeletons belong?
In the skelebin.
99.9% of people are idiots.
Fortunately, I belong to the 1%.
To which tier of fruits and vegetables do onions belong? They belong to the teary.
What are you doing hanging out in aisle 3? You clearly belong in aisle 9. Aisle 10 is within arm's reach but that all depends on whether or not you'll have dinner with me.
"I sent the club a wire stating, 'Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.'"