Ever wonder why your feline friend seems to follow you around the house, peeking into rooms you're in? It's not just cur.. Read More
These Cats LOVE Their Owners So Much....
Don't believe those who say cats don't show affection. Just show them this video and they'll never make that claim again.
Does Your Cat Really Miss You?
It's a centuries-old question: does your cat actually like you or are they just tolerating you in exchange for food?
23 Cats Prove That Some Felines are Simply Fearless
These cats don't know the first thing about fear, and will tackle just about any other animal.
7 Sounds Your Cat Makes and What They Mean
This video will show you the 7 different sounds cats make and the purpose for each of them.
Challenge: Try Not to Laugh at These Hilarious Cats!
This cat compilation is among the funniest cat videos I've ever seen.
Hilarious: Animal Comedy is Never Wasted!
This video contains a compilation of funny animal moments.
James Earl Jones: The Booming Voice We All Loved
A tribute to the booming voice of James Earl Jones, now departed.
8 Highly Useful Things You Can Do With Sticky Tape
If you want to discover genius uses for adhesive tape and other smart tips that make life easier, watch the following video .
You Won't Believe How a Walk in Nature Affects Our Brain
I was absolutely shocked to discover just how beneficial a walk in nature is for the brain. And upon reading #2 and #4, I couldn't wait to put my walking boots on and hit the park.
These Are the Best Animal Moments Ever Captured on Video
Get right into the mouth of the lion with this absolutely incredible compilation of animal videos.
The Oldest Cat in the World Lived Nearly 40 Years!
These creatures and organisms from all around the world are the oldest of their kind, and may even be the oldest living things on Earth!
These Beautiful Animal Stories Will Touch Your Heart
Animals are an infinite source of inspiration for all of us, and these touching stories will give you renewed hope in life and maybe even make you shed a tear.
30 Animals With More Hair Than They Know What to Do With
It's hard to imagine how any of these animals can see clearly with all that hair. Enjoy these 30 cute and furry animals in desperate need of a haircut.
Some Animals Have The Weirdest Feet! - 20 Pics
Some animals have the weirdest feet!
The Beautiful World of Indian Birds - 21 Gorgeous Photos
Let’s marvel at the exotic beauty of Indian birds.
These Rare Animals Are Both Weird and Wonderful
Have you ever seen a creature that looked so weird and unique that you weren't sure if you were actually looking at an alien or something that belongs on our planet?Discover here these 15 weird and wonderful creatures that are too wonderful for words
Find Out More About North American Butterflies Here
Mankind has always been fascinated by butterflies and that fascination hasn't died down today. Take a look at these informative images.
Swimming Lessons Cannot Get Cuter Than This!
Watch mother otter teach her pup to swim, it's adorable!
Nature inFocus Photography Awards: 17 Incredible Winners
Check out the incredible winners of the 2023 Nature inFocus Photography Awards.
14 Plants in the Most Artful, Unique, and Quirky Pots
These perfectly-paired pots and plants will light up any garden.
When Animals Cooperate: 10 Incredible Examples!
Discover how certain animal species help others in a way that makes you appreciate the beauty of nature more than ever.
Watch These Flowers Bloom in a Celebration of Color
This video brings out the most beautiful aspect of flowers in gorgeous detail and allows us to enjoy one of nature's most beautiful gifts - the blooming of flowers.
11 Incredible Animals with Even More Incredible Abilities!
Forget imaginary superheros and science fiction! These real animals have their own super powers and abilities such as camouflage, immortality and more!
The Colorful and Beautiful Birds of Paradise!
This amazing video brings to life the most beautiful and stunning of birds!
Click to Turn These Little Animal Pups to Adults...
Do you know what these adorable animals looked like when they were younger?
You Won't Find More Beautiful Parrots in the World...
There are around 350 different species of parrots in the world. Here you will find 10 of the most beautiful!
This Fish’s Bite is Faster Than Your Blink
This is probably the weirdest fish you will ever see.
Meet the Most Amazing Architects of the Animal Kingdom
Take a look at some of the weirdest and most wonderful bird nests from the animal kingdom.
INTERACTIVE: Click on the Colorful Birds to See Them!
Click on a bird and see a video of a real bird.
These Colorful Birds are Among the Most Vibrant!
These birds are so bright and beautiful that it's actually hard to believe they're real. Take a look at these 19 kaleidoscopic bird species for yourself.
A Dolphin Asks a Human for Help!
We have seen animal rescue, but rarely have we seen the animal search for humans to save it!
Best of Animal Photography: 17 Stunning Images
Check out the most amazing shots of animals caught on camera from “The Decisive Moments Magazine”.
Remarkable Winners of the Insect Week Photography 2023
Check out the amazing winning shots from the Insect Week Photography Competition.
These Photos Prove Mother Nature Can Be So Creative!
These photos prove that Mother Nature has a creative side.
Nature's Engineering Marvel: World's Largest Beaver Dam
A Canadian beaver family has built a dam that can be seen from space! But how is that possible?
These Pictures Can Reduce Your Stress. We Guarantee It!
Enjoy the beauty of our world in 15 glorious photographs.
West Canada is Wild, Strong and Ever So Pretty
The wilds of West Canada are some of the most jaw dropping natural scenes in all the world we live on.
Tourists From All Over Flock to See this Beautiful Island
Wouldn't you want to visit this beautiful island, filled with nothing but flowers?
Nature's Wonders: 14 Fascinating and Gorgeous Plants
These are some of the most interesting plants we have seen in a while.
Why One Man Fell in Love with the Emerald Island
Peter Meller moved to Ireland 10 years ago, and he wanted to explain to people why he has remained. He simply had no words, so he showed these amazing photos!
These Award Winning Photographs Prove Water is Magical
The photography completion themed ‘Water’ is mesmerizing! Let the images take you to beautiful rivers, seas and lakes all around the world.
5 Ancient Forests and What You Can Find There
This list contains 5 of the world’s most ancient forests that stood here far longer than us, their must-see spots and how to get there
A Royal Beast: Celebrating the Beauty of the Horse
These stunning photos and beautiful quotes about horses made me remember how much I admire them.
Why and How do Dogs Love Us? An Expert Explains
An amazing study that started modestly but succeeded beyond expectations, revealing fascinating details to scientists about the brain and emotions of dogs.
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