What if you found out one fine day that your partner has a secret life – that they work for the FBI! That sounds like th.. Read More
Just for Laughs: “Did I Just Win the Lottery?!”
Enjoy this hilarious prank collection by Just For Laughs Gags.
Laugh Until You Howl: The WILDEST Animal Pranks
Have a roaring time with these howlarious wild animal pranks by Just for Laughs.
Classic Comedy: The Wacky Adventures of Harold Lloyd
Enjoy this hilarious compilation of funny gags by the master of comedy, Harold Lloyd.
Watch: Flight Attendant Leaves Passengers in Splits
Watch how a flight attendant leaves passengers in splits with his quirky and hilarious announcements.
Cats vs. Narrowing Tube – Who Will Win?
Watch this hilariously cute video where cats try to pass through different narrowing tubes.
TOO CUTE! Babies React to Dads Shaving Beards
Watch these adorable babies reacting to their dads without a beard for the first time.
Weird and Wonderful Nature: The Mexican Mole Lizard
This unique reptile challenges our understanding of lizard anatomy.
These Linguistic Jokes Will Entertain Any Word Geek
Here are some hilarious language jokes to keep you laughing all week.
12 Times Newspapers Gave Us Unintentional Laughs!
Newspaper stories can sometimes provide unintentional laughs!
When Signs Go Wrong and End Up Being Too Funny
These unintentionally funny signs prove not all messages go as planned.
15 Hilariously Cute Comics That Cat Owners Will Adore
Here is a collection of 15 hilarious comic strips based on the funny adventures of different cats. Pet owners are sure to chuckle at these.
Hilarious: When Signs Think You're an Idiot
A collection of signs, articles, manuals and more that are completely obvious and pointless...
Laughter is Just a Click Away...(18 One-Frame Funnies)
Add some laughter to your week with these hilarious horror-themed comics by the legendary Mark Parisi.
Can You Keep a Straight Face Reading These Quotes?
Share these funny thoughts with your closest friends and brighten up their day too.
16 Wry and Surprisingly Funny Benjamin Franklin Quotes
Benjamin Franklin sure had the old fashioned American humor.
These FUNNY Spring Jokes Will Blossom Your Mood!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of spring jokes and puns.
Hilarious: There Must be a SAFER Way to Do These Things!
These work safety fail pictures will make you anxious... and then make you laugh out loud!
Hilarious: These Funny Restaurant Signs Cracked People Up
Whenever people drove by these fast food joints, they were stopped in their tracks by their hilarious signs. Take a look.
Hilarious: It's Not Easy Being a Criminal...
When it comes to the perfect crime, these fumbling fools couldn't fail more miserably.
17 Times Translations Went Completely Off the Rails
These mistakes prove translating isn’t always easy.
I've Seen People Make Mistakes Before, But This Is Silly..
It's amazing how wrong certain things can go, and this is especially true in the photo series you're about to see. Here are 20 times when people "nailed it".
These Cats and Dogs Cause Complete Christmas Carnage!
You dog or cat might be the world's most innocent creature for most of the year, but as soon as the holiday season comes around all this changes in a heartbeat.
Hilarious Improv: Dear Wife, I'm Writing You This Letter...
These two improv performers are only allowed to say one word at a time. Following a suggestion from the audience.
You Won't Believe What This Little Old Lady Gets Up To...
This hilarious prank involves a sweet old lady pretending to deal drugs in large quantities in a public park...
These 15 Hilariously Naughty Pets Were Caught in the Act
These 15 hilarious pets were caught red-pawed and made to pay for their “crimes” by wearing signs of their wrongdoings.
This 76-Year-Old Draws Funny Cartoons To Make You Laugh
This 76 year old artist creates funny comics that delight everyone.
Hilarious: The 6 Important Lessons of Life!
These life lessons are actually short hilarious jokes!
Dad Jokes: A Hilarious Collection of Terrible Crack-Ups
These terrible dad jokes are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.
The Senior Alphabet is Absolutely Hilarious!
They usually use the ABC poem to teach kids the alphabet, but now they've put out a senior version.
Hilarious: The Evil Grocery Store!
This is just the kind of pranks I like, and a very creative use of a grocery store!
FUNNY: 12 Hilarious Restaurant Replies to Negative Reviews
These comebacks to bad restaurant reviews will crack you up.
These Hilarious Grammar Jokes are a Verbal Delight!
Do you enjoy a good pun? Somehow, they become even funnier when they're related to grammar. Here are 17 hilarious grammar jokes for you to enjoy.
Funny Time: Get Your Giggles Going and Laugh Out Loud
16 Pictures that will make you giggle and guffaw like a hyena!
Have You Heard Disco, the Chattiest Little Parakeet?
Disco is never short of words to say, in fact, he never stops rabbiting away, coming out with all manner of curious and hilarious phrases.
18 Hilarious Comics About The Everyday Adventures of Dogs
Enjoy these hilarious single-panel dog comics by artist Anthony Smith.
No One Can Make Us Laugh Like the Marx Brothers!
Watch this iconic comedy scene from the movie "Horse Feathers, a Marx Brothers classic.
Eek! Remember When Chaplin Got Trapped in the Lion's Cage?
This classic scene has me rolling around the floor every time...
Hilarious: When Granny Gets Creative
Meet Kimiko Nishimoto, a little old lady from Japan who is making the world laugh with her insanely hilarious photos!
Funny: What is He Doing With That Tranquilizer Gun??
This prank starts with an innocent old man, and then he finds a tranqalizer gun....
Why Couples Can’t Stop Laughing at These Strips
Being coupled up can be a wonderful thing, but there's no denying that relationships have their ups and downs. Here are 12 funny cartoons about couples.
11 Hilariously Bad Reviews of Famous Sights Illustrated
These hilarious travel posters illustrate the worst and funniest reviews of famous travel destinations.
These Punny Illustrations Will Give You a Good Chuckle
Enjoy this collection of illustrated puns by artist Teo Zirinis.
Hilarious Book Covers That Sum Up Modern Life (16 Pics)
These funny book covers reflect our chaotic lives!
This Prank Compilation is All You'll Need to Smile Today
Just for laughs gives us a great compilation video of elevator pranks.
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