The Great Library of Alexandria was one of the most significant libraries of the ancient world. The library was located .. Read More
Marcus Aurelius: The Emperor Turned Philosopher
This video will tell the Story of Marcus Aurelius, the emperor who turned into one of the greatest philosophers in history.
So this is How a Day as an Ancient Greek Architect Was!
Travel back in history and learn all about the life of an ancient Greek architect in this video.
The Oldest Medicines That Have Stood the Test of Time
Learn about some fascinating old medicine and general healing practices that have survived for thousands of years.
Intriguing Facts About Being An Audience at The Colosseum
Being a spectator inside in the great Colosseum must have been fascinating. Get to know lesser-known facts on what it was like being there.
Scotland’s Castles: A Glimpse Into Medieval Power & Pride
Here’s a look at some of the most remarkable castles across Scotland.
Neanderthals Had Strength and Skills Beyond Our Limits
Neanderthals possessed truly exceptional, almost unbelievable, traits.
These Extremely Rare Photos Will Teach You Something New
Prepare to see history in a whole new light through these fascinating snapshots.
These Common Exercise Myths Could Be Holding You Back
Don't believe everything you har about exercising.
14 Interesting Exhibits from the "Museum of Curiosities"
The "Museum of Curiosities" is an online platform that has some startling and fascinating treasures.
Rock On with This 'Eye of the Tiger' Drum Solo Act
This has to be the most stunning drum performance!
15 Lovely Christmas Quotes That Will Fill Your Heart with Joy
These beautiful Christmas are sayings everyone can be thankful for!
8 Books That Predicted the Future With Strange Accuracy
It always feels eerie when the future is predicted correctly and it turns out literature is full of such accurate forecasts. These 8 novels were particularly spot on.
15 Essential Legal Terms That Sound Confusing to People
If you want to understand legal representatives better and simply enjoy your favorite legal TV show to the fullest, learn these 15 legal words and phrases.
When You Take Dominos to the Next Level...
Astounding Domino Sequences!
Hello, January: Inspiring Quotes to Greet the New Month
Let’s start the new year with these amusing and inspiring January quotes.
Send An Affectionate Kiss to Someone You Love Today
To someone you love, a kiss can say a whole lot, and that's why we've put this adorable collection together for you. Share your affection with them today.
18 Amazing Facts About Very Well-Known Brands
There are some really interesting and amazing facts about some of the world's most well-known brands, and you're about to learn 18 of them right now!
I Just Wanted to Let You Know: I'm Thinking of You
Is there anyone in your life whom you're thinking of deeply right now? Send them a little greeting to let them know.
How Islam Separated Into Sunni and Shia: The Full Story
What happened, and why did it cause Islam to split into two factions?
She Will Never Forget Her Marriage Proposal. Ever.
This is a Marriage Proposal For the Books...
12 Oddly Specific and Often Funny Terms You Didn’t Know
Did you know the space between your eyebrows has a name? Or what a tittle is? Learn these oddly specific and quite funny terms in this article.
Let’s Learn About 7 of the Longest Words!
Did you know that the longest word to appear in literature clocks at a staggering 183 letters? Find out about more such longest words.
7 Fairy Tales That Are Popular to This Very Day!
The best fairy tales are those that are timeless and yet forever modern, tapping into our wildly shared emotions and moral attitudes. Here are 7 of the best!
The Real Life Spy Who Inspired the James Bond Series
Dusko Popov served as a double-agent spy during World War II. He also happened to cross paths with James Bond's creator, Ian Fleming...
Service Dogs Are the Most Loyal & Courageous of Creatures
These 20 photos stand as a testament to the courage and devotion of service dogs, which have fought with and served humans throughout our history.
10 of the Most Interesting Popes in History
The papacy has been ongoing ever since the time of St. Peter, but some popes stand out as being more historically significant than others. Take a look.
A Glimpse Through Time: 17 Photos That Bring History Alive
Here are some of the most interesting photos from history.
13 People Who Proved that Age is Nothing But a Number
If you think that celebrating your golden jubilee means you're past your prime, then these 13 people have something to teach you...
How to Get Through Life: An Adorable Guide...
How to live life? These adorable babies have some advice for you...
Wow! These People Had Someone Looking Over Them!
These lucky people had some guardian angel looking over them that day!
Magicians Beware! We're Exposing Your Greatest Tricks!
When watching a good magician in action, many great tricks seem to completely defy logic, but here we expose 8 of the most common ones!
14 Positive Stories to Bring Some Cheer Amidst the Gloom
These positive news stories show that there are still things to smile about.
Forgotten Societies: 6 Little-Known Civilizations
These forgotten civilizations influenced the world.
CDs Become Magic Tools in This Mind-Bending Act
Watch this mind-bending magic act by Florian Sainvet in America's Got Talent.
Hitler's Olympics: The 1936 Berlin Olympic Games
When the Olympics became a Nazi showcase.
A Unique Nursing Home You Need to Hear About...
This dementia village is the most progressive and forward thinking nursing home.
This Man Will Teach You to Speak So You Are Always Heard
Julian Treasure is a sound expert who has been researching human speech and the psychology behind it and is now sharing his findings, teaching people how to speak so that others will listen.
SPECIAL: Just Wanted to Say, Have a Great Day!!!
Help someone have a great day today, by sending them one of our wonderful greeting cards.
Add Extra Sunshine to Your Life With These Feel-Good Books
Need a little pick-me-up? These feel-good books are guaranteed to leave you smiling.
Museums Are Simply Treasure Troves - 16 Fascinating Photos
These incredibly cool and interesting exhibits prove what treasure troves museums are!
Learning to Trust Again - Rehabilitating an Abused Dog
Ralph the abandoned dog learns to trust again...
14 Nostalgic Pics to Take You Back to the Good Ol’ Days
These photos will instantly trigger your nostalgia.
17 Fascinating Facts That You Probably Didn't Know
17 tidbits of information that you probably didn't know and will probably surprise you.
18 Moments of History that Shed Light On Different Times
These 18 photos open a world of yesteryear for us to explore and enjoy.
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