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What People Are Paying for Food Prices Around the World

Grocery bills are skyrocketing worldwide, impacting people's finances and shopping behavior. This global phenomenon of rising food prices is evident in bustling metropolises and quiet countryside towns alike. Today, we will look at what food costs around the world as everyday people across the globe share snapshots of their grocery hauls. From street markets in Africa to supermarkets in America, each snapshot illustrates the varying costs of essential food items.

Related: I've Used these Tips to Save Hundreds on My Groceries

1. All this for under $4 from a local market in Kenya

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

2. $109 for groceries in Naknek, Alaska

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

3. $106.08 worth groceries from an Aldi supermarket, Midwest, USA

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

4. $192 USD gets you this much food in Wisconsin. This includes 48 pounds (21.7 kg) of meat!

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

5. $117.43 worth food items from a Safeway store in Alaska

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

6. All this cost $130 (Location -USA)

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

7. $193.18 at Aldi, Southern California

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

8. Here's what $193.18 got this person from Aldi in Southern California

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

9. This California grocery haul features a selection of fresh produce, all for $51.10

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

10. Aldi - Florida $78

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

11. $130.30 worth whole foods from Maryland, USA

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

12. This is how much food you can purchase for $90 in San Francisco, California

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

13. This is for one meal (plus a few extras) in NYC for $47.72

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

14. $50 in groceries at Albertson's, USA

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

15. $44 at Trader Joes in NYC

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit

16. A solid haul of $145 from Kroger, USA

A Look at Global Food Prices
Image source: Reddit
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