Is anyone really ever ready to find a gray hair? No matter what age you start going gray, finding that first, then second, then twenty-third gray hair might make you feel like going on a plucking spree.
Besides genetics, there are other factors that can cause gray strands to appear. Nutrition plays a role, as does stress and tobacco use. For those who are not yet ready to embrace their new white locks, you can always color it or fight back.
How? Not by pulling them out, but through the food that you eat. Eating the right foods to correct nutritional deficiencies can help fight the gray, feeding your hair from the inside. Check out the 7 foods below to learn what they can do for your silvery hair, and get ready to write your next grocery list.
Salmon contains omega-3 fats and selenium, both of which are required for healthy hair. Selenium is also involved in regulating hormones which aid in fighting aging and premature grayness.
2. Mushrooms
Mushrooms contain a good amount of copper which is an important nutrient that helps in pigment production. Eat more mushrooms for vitamin D and selenium, both known to fight the effects of aging.
Reishi and shitake mushrooms are often used to reverse and fight premature gray hair, and they’re both known to help with hair loss too.
3. Chicken
Rich in protein and vitamin B-12, chicken can nourish your hair and keep them their original color. Some studies have found that vitamin B-12 can stop graying in its tracks. Get your vitamins and minerals in with chicken, poultry, and other eggs.
These tiny powerhouses are packed full of vitamins B-12, B-9, and protein to help you sustain your natural hair color. Lentils come in a variety of shades and flavors, so mix it up a bit with yellow, red, or black lentils. Add at least one cup of cooked lentils to your meal to see the benefits.
5. Nuts
Almonds and walnuts contain omega fats that are necessary for hair health. They are full of copper, which is needed for melanin production in your hair.
6. Liver
You might not like it, but beef liver contains a lot of hair-preserving nutrients such as iron, vitamin B-12, and copper. Level up your blood and hair pigment with some liver.
7. Greens
Greens of any type are fantastic sources of gray-stomping nutrition. They’ll provide you with copper, vitamins C, B-12, and B-9 to strengthen your blood, increase circulation to your starving scalp, and prevent gray hair.
Source: tiphero
Images: depositphotos
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