We all have a tape measure or two around the house (I think I have five by now). Especially if you like doing useful things around the house like I do. But did you know that your average tape measure can be used in several more clever and helpful ways? Here's a little tutorial from someone who has thoroughly figured out the secrets of the tape measure.
Battery Recycling: Learn All the Neat Tricks You Can Use!
Learn the myriad ways you can use dead batteries for life hacks.
10 Awesome Halloween Ideas You Just Can't Ignore
In this video, we're about to teach you 10 really easy and fast ways to make your own Halloween stuff that will make everyone jealous!
Home Tip: Why I Put Aluminum Foil in My Toilet
In today's video, we're diving into one of those quirky life hacks that might just change the way you approach household maintenance.
Turn a Regular Egg Into Scrumptious Mini Fried Eggs
Check out this great video tutorial that'll take your eggs and turn them into a mini fried treat!
Tutorial: How to Grow Roses Using the Stem Cuttings
This tutorial is only a few minutes long, but it gives you a very simple, straight-forward and practical way of growing your own rose bush from stem cuttings.
Create Your Own Classy, Beautiful Penny-Top Table!
Make your own awesome, DIY penny-top table.
19 Household Items You Need to Change Now
It's high time you change these household items.
Digital Detox: Reclaiming Your Life from Screen Addiction
This article delves into the significance of a digital detox, offering practical steps to reclaim your life from screen addiction.
How to Pick the Right Frying Pan for Every Recipe
Upgrade your cooking skills instantly with this full guide to frying pans and saucepans, so that your cookware works with you, and not against you!
Never Put Your Phone in These 8 Common Places!
If you care about your cell phone and your health, then make sure you never leave your device in any of these places.
Experts Warn Against Ordering These Foods at Restaurants
According to the experts, you should avoid ordering the following 8 foods at restaurants. You'll want to heed their advice.
This DIY Food Dispenser Will Transform Your Pet's Life!
A great way to ensure your pet is getting the right amount of food.
10 Reasons Why Your Nonstick Cookware Is SO Short-Lasting
Here are 10 common cooking and maintenance mistakes that can ruin nonstick cookware for you to avoid in the future!
Did You Know There’s an Optimal Time for a Cup of Coffee?
Learn when to drink your coffee for it to give you the best pick-me-up.
Avoid Getting These Items Wet When You’re Cleaning Them
If you’ve ever cleaned your jewelry, gas stovetop, or leather shoes, or contact lenses with water, you need to read this article.
Solve 18 Cooking and Food Storage Problems With These Tips
These 18 food tips will teach you how to prevent food from spoiling and will show you how to save time and effort in preparing certain foods
Be Warned! This Battery Could Be a Danger to Your Home
If you use 9V batteries, you need to be aware of this vital information.
Who Knew Vick's VapoRub Was So Incredibly Versatile?
Is there any product in your medicine cabinet that is more versatile than Vick's VapoRub? Here are 7 innovative ways for you to use it.
Remove Hard Water Stains Easily With Natural Solutions!
Hard water stains can be pesky and persistent. Here's how to easily remove them from different surfaces in your home.
These Powerful Questions Can Lead You to a Happy Life
Harness the power of questions to transform your life for the better!
DIY Secrets: Make Your Own, Home-Made Ziploc Bags!
This video will teach you how to make your own home-made Ziploc bags.
Speed Up Your Laundry By Reducing Drying Time
Learn to speed up your laundry by reducing your drying time!
If You Have a Pest Problem, Try These Pesticides Out
If your plants are being eaten by pests, here are 6 eco-friendly pesticides that you can make at home.
Discover How to Use Turmeric to Remove Unwanted Hair
Turmeric is a wonderful spice from India that has a whole myriad of different applications. Here's how to make 5 turmeric-based masks for unwanted hair removal.
Waste No More: 6 Great Ways to Use Fruit & Veggie Peels
If you want to save both money and reduce your waste, remember these 6 practical and delicious ideas for what you can do to utilize your fruit and vegetable leftovers to the max.
What Are Phishing Emails And How Can You Protect Yourself?
Phishing emails are a common method used by cyber criminals to steal people's data. These are 4 frequent scams you can look out for and avoid.
13 Cool Charts That Impart Practical Knowledge
Here are some useful charts, graphs, and infographics that provide some practical information.
10 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea has an incredible amount of uses! Check out our top ten here.
How to Do Multiplications With Your Hands!
This simple mathematical trick is a great little tip to have when you need to make quick multiplications, or when you want to teach a child something neat!
21 Sizzling Hot Microwave Tips To Improve Your Life
The microwave is something we use every day, but did you know how many different ways you can use it? Here are 21 surprising uses.
A Must Have Kitchen Cheat Sheet to Help With Any Recipe!
Simple fact sheets that will turn any cooking job easier to understand.
Guide: How to Meditate With Your Children
This guide will instruct you on how to do easy meditation techniques with your children and grandchildren.
All 11 of These Ordinary Items Have Clever Hidden Features
Not only is it fun to find out the purpose of these secret features, but it’s also quite useful to know them!
COLLECTION: Growing Tips for Outdoor and Indoor Plants
Dive into the world of indoor and outdoor plants with these 10 great guides to show you the way.
When on a Flight, Avoid These 8 Things....
To help you stay healthy and comfortable during your next flight, here are some crucial tips to keep in mind.
Did You Know You Shouldn't Store These Foods in the Fridge?
Contrary to popular belief, these 10 foods shouldn't be stored in the refrigerator for a variety of reasons. Read this post to find out more.
Beware! NEVER Put These Things on Your Credit Card
Credit cards might be convenient but there are some cases where you should avoid using them.
Avoid Buying These Foods When Shopping at the Supermarket!
You might think that everything in a supermarket is safe to consume, but that is not always the case. Here's 7 foods you should avoid.
Warning: Using Dryer Sheets May Cause You Health Problems
Is it really such a good idea to use dryer sheets? The answer may shock you.
Guide: How to Remain Comfortable on a Flight
Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, these tips will help you fly smarter and healthier.
Woah! Who Knew Baby Powder Was This Useful in the Garden?
If you have excess baby powder lying around your house, you'll be pleased to know that it has plenty of uses in the garden.
Keep You Bathroom Clean & Tidy with these 15 Tips
These great tricks will help you keep your bathroom clean and your experience in it enjoyable and comfy. Is there a place you need to feel more at your ease? Here are 15 bathroom secrets we'd like to share.
Need More Money? These 8 Tips Are What You're Looking For
Need a little extra income? Here's how you can do it without leaving your home.
How to Pack Light and Travel Effortlessly: 11 Tips
Master the art of packing light with these tips.
18 Reasons To Keep Hydrogen Peroxide At Home
Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best substances you can keep around the house, and this is because it has many different uses. In fact, here are 18 of them.
11 Gardening Myths That MUST Be Debunked
Some erroneous gardening myths managed to spread far and wide, despite being ineffective and even harmful. Here are 11 of such common gardening myths.
15 Awesome Tips Just For Women!
At home, at work or in the middle of the street, there are situations that only women can understand. The following 15 tips are for women only!