Can We Guess What Interests You?

We each have some fields of interest. Perhaps a hobby, perhaps just a curiosity and enjoyment of the subject matter - we all have those parts of the newspaper that interest us more. Can we guess yours? Answer our test honestly and we may just!
מבחן של תחומי עניין לפי אסוציאציות: מכונית אדומה ישנה
What was the first thing this photo made you think of?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear about Greece?
Ancient Times
מבחן של תחומי עניין לפי אסוציאציות: אנשים מסתכלים על תכנון של מבנה
What was the first thing this image made you think of?
What is the first detail that caught your eye in the following image?
The man
The glass of water
The buildings
The laptop
What was the first thing this image made you think of?
מבחן של תחומי עניין לפי אסוציאציות: בחור יושב מול לפטופ
What do you think is this guy's occupation?
Screenplay writing
מבחן של תחומי עניין לפי אסוציאציות: בד אדום
What was the first thing this image made you think of?
What is the first item that caught your eye in the following image?
Potted plant
Blue drawers
Books on the rug
מבחן של תחומי עניין לפי אסוציאציות: כר פרחים
What was the first thing this image made you think of?
Open space
What was the first color shade that caught your eye when you looked at this image?
מבחן של תחומי עניין לפי אסוציאציות: שני אנשים מדברים
What do you think these people are talking about?
Something they saw on the news
Small talk
Something philosophical
About a new gadget in the magazines next to them
What do you think is the main characteristic that attracts people to you?
Being fun
According to your test results, it seems that the area of interest that excites you is politics - a topic that undoubtedly always changes. You try to stay up to date, whether by social networks or traditional media, and if you do not know what is going on outside - you will probably feel some internal tension. You do not miss a political debate in which you can prove your point, and justify your arguments by actually being a caring person, something that your friends and those around you will probably agree with. Like many politicians who manage to make their way in the political jungle, you too survive by nature, and we would not be surprised if you could even be a successful politician.
Based on the results of your test, it seems that the area that excites you is sports - as a spectator or fan, but perhaps also as an active participant or simply a person who keeps fit. You have a competitive instinct, a desire to win, a need for excitement and a lot of knowledge about the industries and areas in which your affection for soft is focused. In addition to that you probably take care to maintain health and are not tempted to put everything into your body just like that and it is usually important for you to maintain a balanced menu. Your sympathy for sports and nutrition indicates that you are a strong person - physically and mentally - persistent and purposeful, who is not willing to settle for an achievement that is less than winning in any area of ​​life. That's why when your friends or colleagues need winning advice or help, they know they should turn to you.
Judging by your test results, you seem to be an art lover, in all its nuances, whether it be works like paintings or sculptures, music or cinema. A brief acquaintance with you is enough to understand that you are a type who is not ashamed to love slightly strange things, but you have a passion in your heart for a wide range of areas in the art world and in general. In addition to that you are a very calm, spiritual and deep person, looking for the big ideas behind everything. Your independence inspires and attracts quite a few people who would like to be like you, or at least understand a little more about what you know.
Science and/or Technology
Judging by your test results, it seems that you are a fan of science and technology. There are few new devices and gadgets that manage to slip your radar. Because of this, your friends turn to you first when they want to innovate on a phone or computer, knowing that you will recommend the best product, and also explain to them why it is right for them. In addition to all this, you are meticulous and responsible - just like the world of science, which is not satisfied with "maybe", but examines every fact in depth. That's why your friends turn to you for advice in any area, even if it is sensitive - because they know that with you they will receive the most reliable answer.
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