Buns Jokes

Did you know that bread that you make into buns is always relaxed? Yes, they just like to roll with it.
What was the main job of the bread truck? To haul buns.
Are you a burger? Because you can be the meat between my buns.
Man: Do you work at the Bakery, cause you have a nice set of buns.
Woman: Do you work at a Grocery store? Then why are you checking me out?
What did the hot dog bun say to the hot dog? Stop touching my buns!
What did the hot dog bun say to the hot dog? Stop touching my buns! What do you call a hot dog with nothing inside it? A "hollow-weenie!"
There was an Old Man of Apulia,
Whose conduct was very peculiar
He fed twenty sons,
Upon nothing but buns,
That whimsical Man of Apulia.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Gorilla who?
Gorilla burger! I've got the buns!
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