This Fawn Comes Every Morning to Visit...
What could be a better way to start your day?
Cute Corner: Watch This Happy Beaver Get His Own Pond!
A beautiful and adorable story.
The Best Animal Photos of the Month!
They're cute, they're beautiful, and they make us feel good - Animal photos!
20 Heartwarming Dog Encounters That Will Make You Smile
An ordinary or even dull day can become ten times brighter if you happen to run into an adorable dog. Here are 20 furry buddies spotted out and about.
Watch This Huge Dog Fall in Love with a Tiny Piglet...
The love between this huge dog and tiny pig is so adorable.
Cute Corner: Tiny Mini-Horse Grows Up Thinking It's a Dog
This tiny horse grew up in a house full of of dogs, connected with them, and eventually even started acting like one!
Getting Along Like...Cats and Dogs?
While conventional wisdom states that cats and dogs were born natural enemies, this isn't always the case.
These Cats Really Are Excited for Christmas
Humans are not the only ones who get excited for Christmas. Check out these 18 photos which show that cats also love the festive season - especially the trees!
These Pets Just Need 5 More Minutes of Beauty Sleep
Nothing will wake up these adorable pets on their lazy morning.
Dogs In Love Sends the Cuteness Scale off the Charts!
According to these photos, it isn't just humans that feel all loved up - dogs are prone to it too. View these 18 adorable pictures now.
Cats Have a Funny Way of Making Everywhere into a Bed
How on Earth do they manage to sleep like that?!
These Adorably Funny Kids and Animals Will Melt Your Heart
Watch this adorable compilation of kids mingling with animals. You're about to see some truly hilarious moments!
20 Priceless Dog Mommy Moments - SO CUTE!
Even those who have a heart of stone will go ‘aww’ after seeing these heartwarming animal moments!
Can You Think of Anything Cuter Than Tiny Animals?
These small pets are just too cute!
Toddlers Are the Funniest Humans!
Nobody makes people laugh more than toddlers, so prepare for a side splitting giggle fest: these are the funniest toddler fails of the year!
The Baby Animals of Australia Are Adorable!
Australia has many endemic species, but some are cuter than the rest! View images of some of the cutest baby animals in Australia.
17 Adorable Police Pups That Will Arrest Your Heart
These adorable police pups will arrest your heart.
It's a Cat's World - Just Ask These Hapless Dogs!
Although dogs have a significant weight and muscle advantage, these plucky cats are still ruling the show...
Cat Mom Adopts a Little Fella From Another Species...
In this video, you'll see how a mother cat welcomes a new "kitten" to her little family - a tiny little skunk!
These Photos of Everlasting Love Will Touch Your Soul
I have never seen true love quite like this! Take a look at these 20 beautiful pictures depicting the real meaning of love.
Aww-Inducing Portraits of Cats Taken from Down Under
Professional photographer Andrius Burba took pictures of cats on glass surfaces to hilarious results
A Sweet Moment: Adorable Kids and Loveable Animals
These kids with pictured with animals are going to make your heart melt away...
20 Adorable and Inspirational Quotes about Dogs
Every dog lover needs to read these adorable and inspirational quotes about our furry friends.
Meet Ninita, the Sweetest Little Pygmy Monkey in the World
Prepare to fall in love with this little beauty, who gets her hair combed by a toothbrush...
These Cats Are Masters at Hiding! Can You Find Them All?
Cats seem to be masters at staying out of sight, and we bet you can't find all of them!
Have You Ever Seen a Dog THIS Smart? Incredible!
This genius dog loves helping around the house!
Only Mommy Bears Know How to Deal with These Cuddly Cubs
There is no relationship bigger than that between mother and child, and this is so beautifully illustrated by these wild bears. Prepare for cuteness!
So Cute! Here Are the Most Adorable Kittens I've Ever Seen
If you love kittens, then you've definitely got to see this immensely cute video!
Owls Can Be So Cute and Majestic at Once, Just Watch...
This cute owl compilation video is just the adorable moment you need today.
Five Fun Facts about the Adorable Fennec Fox
The fennec fox is extremely cute. Here are some fun facts about this adorable animal!
You'll Be Amazed at How Far Dogs Will Go to Beg for Food!
Here are 20 hilarious examples of begging dogs that will melt your heart and make you scream with laughter!
These Little Cuties Have Little Cuties of Their Own...
These animals bring out their toy counterparts to play!
This is, Possibly, the Cutest Thing I've Seen All Year!
Watch 4-year-old Claire and her daddy Ryan sing 'You've Got a Friend in Me' in their living room.
That Priceless Look When a Cat Knows it's at the Vet...
If you want to know how cats feel when they are down to see the vet, these pictures show you it's just like when you have to see the doctor!
This May Be the Smartest Dog I've Ever Seen!
Jessie the Dog Performs Incredible Tricks
Explained: Why Do Cats Like To Sleep With Their Owners?
Watch this video to find out the reasons why do cats love to sleep with their owners so much.
Adorable: When Pets Lose to Furniture...
Sometimes, our beloved pets aren't really sure about the proper use of our furniture, for example, or really just sort of miscalculate. These cute photos and funny photos of pets in furniture are enough to make anyone smile.
When Cats Pose For Pictures, They Become Real Supermodels!
Some cats are so beautiful with thick glossy coats and long flowing tails. These are a few of such cats that look like real supermodels in photographs
These Cute Little Puppies Changed into Mighty Big Mutts!
Check out his collection of photos, which shows the same dogs when they were cute little puppies, as well as when they became mighty mutts!
Hilarious! These Memes Prove Why Dogs Are Awesome
These adorable canines will remind you that if you don't have a dog in your life, than your life is only half complete.
14 Animals Who Could Teach You a Lesson in Relaxation
Here's a collection pictures of adorable animals who seem to have attained the ultimate level of relaxation.
The Best Dogs Ever? Labradors and Retrievers of Course!
Labradors and Golder Retrievers are the most popular dogs around the world, and after seeing these images, you will understand why.
What Do Our Pets Do When We're Out? An Adorable Answer
What do pets do when you're not home? Why, act naughty of course!
16 Vintage Photos of Sweet Dogs Throughout History
If you’re a dog lover, this post is for you!
20 Funny & Cute Dogs and Cats Gazing Longingly at Food
These adorable pets can't keep their eyes off the food plate and stare so longingly at it that you will feel hungry, too!
Huskies are ALWAYS a Source of Smiles and Laughter!
Even if Huskies may be too demanding for you to raise, you can still enjoy some of their silliest and fun moments right here.
Take 5 Minutes to Enjoy These German Shepherd Antics!
If you need a break and a reason to smile in the middle of a busy day or just to lift your spirits, these adorable dogs are here to help!