Seasons Puns

These seasonal puns will blow your socks off!

Seasons Puns

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall — hope you do too!
What do Snowmen call their offspring?
Good gourd, pumpkin spice latte season is officially here.
In the magazine polls held this fall, Autumn was declared as the cutest season because it's awwwtumn!
What does a bee do when it is extremely hot?
It takes off its yellow jacket!
The couple who married during autumn lived apple-ly ever after!
No one likes eating outside in the winter.
It’s frost come, frost served.
Why do leaves change color in the fall? Because they want to leaf their old color.
Everyone teased the snowman for having a pointy nose, but he didn’t carrot all.
I usually prefer cold weather, but only to a certain degree.
We've reached the point of snow return.
If you're alone and get too cold, you might become ice-olated.
What did the pig say on a hot summer’s day?
I’m bacon!
They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Ewe might say it leaves sheepishly.
We’re traveling winter-nationally.
What do you call a cold crocodile in winter? A refrigerator.
Why did the bucket bounce?
Because it was filled with spring water.
Oh autumn, please don't ever leaf me again.
At the baking competition in October, the chef said that he had eyes on the pies!
What do you call one day below freezing and the next day at 70 degrees?
“It’s snowing today, but water you doing tomorrow?”
From the b-autumn of my heart, I love fall!
Why is spring a great time to start a gardening business?
Because it’s the season when you can really rake in the cash.
I have a pogo stick made out of vegetables. It’s a spring onion.
Life is way better in sandals, and that's one opinion that I will never flip-flop on.
What do you call a glove combined with a snake?
Fall makes me g-leaf-full!
Witch fall flavor is your favorite?
I snuggle to get through these winter days.
I’m stuck on you like igloo.
Who’s at the door?
It’s snowbody.
Summer went swimmingly this year.
I only have ice for you!
You don’t like my winter pun? How cold!
Feeling cold? Go stand in the corner. It’s 90 degrees.
We got a huge jack-o-lantern this fall. It gave the neighbors pumpkin to talk about.
Don't even chai.
Don't get tide down this summer. 'Tis the season for having fun.
What did the Austrian skier yell when he sprained his ankle?
Why didn’t the newlyweds plant any flowers this spring?
They were too busy planting kisses!
The scarecrow won an award because it had been excellent in its field.
What do you get when you dump your Easter eggs on a hill?
A spring roll!
Summer's over; it's time to chill.
What did the icy road say to the car?
“Want to go for a spin?”
What can you catch in the winter with your eyes closed?
A cold.
Why didn't the snowman go to the party?
He had snowone to go with!
What do you call the Halloween costume contest winner? Mummy of the year.
What’s the difference between an iceberg and a clothes brush?
One crushes boats and the other brushes coats!
What’s the biggest difference between Thanksgiving and April Fool’s Day?
On one you’re thankful but on the other you’re prankful.
What’s the best time of year to break out the trampoline?
What do you call it when you brush off the winter snow for the last time?
A spring fling!