Easter Puns

Happy Easter and welcome to our great holiday Easter Puns!

Easter Puns

"You're totally scrambling my brain."
"Some bunny loves you."
What’s the opposite of Easter?
"No eggs-cuses."
"Have an eggs-tra special Easter day."
"That's all, yolks."
They told me I was too old to hunt for Easter eggs, but the jokes on them!
I prefer mine poached.
"I carrot wait for the Easter Bunny."
Why did the Easter Egg hide?
Because he was a little chicken.
"Having a good hare day."
"I would hop to the end of the world for you."
What is the Easter Bunny's favorite drinking game?
Hop Scotch.
Why did the Easter Bunny have to leave school?
He was eggspelled.
Easter dinner was great today
We made sure it had all the crucifixins'.
Easter is grammatically incorrect.
We should say more east.
How does the Easter bunny stay in shape?
Lots of eggs-ercise!
"You crack me up."
"Have a hoppy Easter."
"Every bunny was kung fu fighting."
"An Easter bonnet can tame even the wildest hare."
"Now he's just some bunny that I used to know."
Son: does Easter Bunny set out 12 eggs in the field to search for?
Dad: no he dozen’t.
I’ve been selected to hide eggs in my town’s big Easter festival next year!
This is an eggs-hiding opportunity!
Be careful this Easter
There is a lot of basket cases out there.
Why did the Easter bunny fire the duck?
He kept quacking all the eggs.
"Some bunny needs vodka."
"I'm so egg-cited for Easter."
"There's no bunny like you."
"We found eggs in a hopeless place."
I went to an Easter party as a Jesus cosplayer
I told them I was a crossplayer.
How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?
Egg ercise.
"I'm so egg-cited, I just can't hide it."
"Just don't carrot all."
"You can't beat me."
"Happy eggster."
"You make me egg-static."
"You're a real good egg."
Baking on Easter Sunday
Crust is risen! Hallelujah!
Saw what I thought was a large dog coloring Easter eggs.
Turned out to be a dyer wolf.
"I'm dyeing to know what's up."