Monster Puns

These hilarious monster puns are SPOOK-tacular!

Monster Puns

Why did Dr. Frankenstein hire Igor as his assistant?
He had a hunch about him.
What did the ghost who crashed the Halloween party say? - I’m here for the boos!
Why did the troll kiss the witch?
To keep her busy in love!
Where do you find giant snails?
At the end of a giant’s finger.
What do you call a troll that’s in charge?
In control.
What did the ghost do at the red light? He came to a dead stop.
Did you hear about the werewolf who got invited to the dance?
He really wanted to go, but the upcoming full moon was giving him paws.
Why don’t vampires use the front door?
Because they use the bat flap instead.
What do you get when you cross a goblin, a stop sign, and immortality?
An everlasting gobstopper!
What’s a skeleton’s least favorite room in the house?
The living room.
Why are skeletons so good at telling jokes?
Because they have a funny bone.
How do werewolves stop a video?
They press the paws button.
What did the doctor say to the skeleton who had a temperature of 103 degrees?
- Looks like you are running a femur.
What is the Abominable Snowman's favourite type of cup?
A yeti.
What do you learn in witch school?
Whats the distant cousin of the werewolf?
The way over therewolf.
Dr. Frankenstein just placed an order on Amazon.
It wasn't expensive, but I imagine the shipping cost him an arm and a leg.
Why did Frankenstein turn to solar?
For the free charge.
What did the skeleton say to his girlfriend?
- Will you marrow me?
What kind of pasta do skeletons enjoy eating the most?
Elbow macaroni.
What's the similarity between a sailor and a thief?
Both have a phobia for sirens.
What color sheet did the ghost wear on the 4th of July? Red, white, and boo.
I’ve found that dressing up like this has truly been an en-witching experience.
How do you beat a vampire at poker?
Raise the stakes!
What do you call Bigfoot from Canada?
Where did the ghost go on holiday? The Boohamas.
What do you call a goblin with an injured leg?
A hobblin' goblin.
How do you get rid of a witch’s hex?
Draw a hex-a-gone.
What did the zombie get when she was late to dinner?
The cold shoulder.
What did the woman say when she escaped Dracula’s clutches?
- Better luck necks time!
Pan wants to lead his kind to rebellion, but...
He can't get no Satyr Faction.
I've always wondered if it was easy to catch Bigfoot...
I was relieved when my doctor told me it wasn't a disease.
What did the angry witch do after sitting on her broomstick?
She flew off the handle.
What do you call a dog that comes back from the dead?
A zom-beagle.
What do you call an undead bee?
A zom-bee.
What do you call a werewolf escapologist?
Hairy Houdini.
People say Frankenstein’s monster had a temper…
But actually he was surprisingly level-headed.
Why do zombies speak Latin?
It’s a dead language.
What does the zombie say to her zombie crush?
- Are you going to kiss me or rot?
What's a ghost's favorite makeup to wear? Mas-scare-a!
Vampires love corny jokes and puns. I don't think they're funny, but it's probably to do with them being pun-dead.
What’s a skeleton’s second favorite instrument?
A sax-a-bone.
"If you want to pass this point alive, you must answer my riddle: What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and on three legs in the evening?" the Sphinx asked.
Oedipus pondered for a moment, "Probably one of those new Pokemones," he finally replied. "There is like 600 of them.
"Fair enough man," spoke the Sphinx. "I can't reasonably expect you to remember all their names. You may pass."
What is a zombie’s favorite shampoo?
Head & Shoulders.
Dracula always read the best selling local newspaper because he heard that it had a good circulation.
What is a zombie that speaks two languages?
What’s a werewolve's favorite hobby?
Collecting fleas!
What is a witch's favorite makeup?
A ma-scare-a.
What happens if you cross a hairdresser and a werewolf?
A creature with an all over perm!
What do you call a dull ghost? Boo-ring!