Beach Puns

Time to get a tan and a full dose of humor! So head on over to the Beach Puns to get the best of both.

Beach Puns

What do you call dumb jokes at the beach?
Comic sands.
Tropic like it's hot.
I asked the land beside the ocean if he was certain he wasn't beach.
But he was pretty shore.
If you go to a beach and you can see through it, you could say the coast is clear.
Salty but sweet.
How do you wash clothes at the beach?
With Tide.
Why did the obtuse Triangle go to the beach?
Because it was more than 90°.
Feeling fintastic.
Lost at sea? I'm not shore.
Beach, please.
Where’s the best beach to buy sports gear at?
Jersey Shore.
Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach?
Because they might peel.
How can you tell that it’s Ronald McDonald at a nude beach?
Because he has sesame seed buns.
A cowboy and a Mexican were walking side-by-side by a beach in Mexico. The Cowboy asked to the Mexican if the Gulf of Mexico was an ocean.
"Sea, Señor," replied the Mexican.
eople say they never get hungry at the beach
That’s because there’s sand, which is everywhere.
Beach you to it.
Are you squiding me right now?
They told me they were handing out free beef at the beach...
When I arrived I realized it was a bay-con.
Why don’t elephants go to the beach?
Because their trunks always fall down.
Shell yeah.
Avoid pier pressure.
What do you call someone with Yellow hair on the beach?
A beach blond.
Please excuse my resting beach face.
I can sea clearly now.
All you need is a good dose of vitamin sea.
What do Ents wear to the beach?
What do they use to get a tan?
Palm oil.
Sea you at the beach.
You can bet on firemen at the beach.
It's a shore-fire thing.