I've always wanted to play an instrument. But after seeing this wonderful animated lecture about the benefits one's brai.. Read More
Actually, Why DO We Have Allergies?
Evolution usually explains why the human body works and behaves the way it does. So why didn't evolution eliminate allergies?
Crash Test Dummies Are More Sophisticated Than You Think
Today's crash test dummies are jam-packed with technology and can cost up to $1 million. Learn why in this fascinating video.
Scottish Highlands Wildcats Are SUCH Fascinating Animals!
The Scottish wildcat is the rarest cat in the world and a symbol of the Scottish Highlands. Learn all about these ferocious hunters in this video.
How Did Alberta, Canada, Manage to Stay a Rat Free Area?
Rats like to dwell in urban areas, as they can find food and shelter quite easily there. So how did the city of Alberta, Canada, manage to stay rat-free?
How Traditional Pastrami Is Really Made
Pastrami on rye is a New York City staple. This is how this cured meat is really made.
Why New York’s New Park On the Water Is a Miracle Of Sorts
This is Little Island, New York's incredible new floating park, that has an even more incredible story...
Why Clove Water Could Change Your Health Forever
Adding a few cloves to your morning water could transform your wellness routine.
Understanding RCPD: A Distressing Swallowing Disorder
This article delves into the symptoms, causes, available treatments, and expected prognosis for individuals suffering from RCPD.
WATCH: This is What Occurs In Our Brain When We're In Love
We all love being in love, and actually crave it and need it, but what actually happens to our brains when we're in love? Watch this TED Talk to find out.
Boston Dynamic's Robot Does Some Incredible Things...
Boston Dynamics shows us again what her lead robot can do.
Can One Photo Really Tell How Good Your Eyesight Is?
Scientists say that this single photograph can tell you whether you have good vision or not. Who can you see in the image?
20 Peculiar Microscope Photos That You Really Must See
An unseen world exists at our fingers, and thanks to these wonderful micrographs, we can get a glimpse into that dimension.
26 Incredible Facts About the Human Mind
The human brain is an interesting and powerful organ, which is why we've gathered 26 interesting facts about exactly how human psychology works.
Amazing New Scientific Discoveries You Missed in 2024
There have been so many interesting scientific discoveries this year that we have missed!
This Secret Invention Changed the Course of WW2
Let’s take a closer look at the proximity fuze, also called Vt Fuze, an invention that changed the course of the second World War.
When Under a Microscope, Even Ordinary Things Seem Alien
Have you ever given any thought to what every day things look like under a microscope? Some of these images are truly beautiful - see for yourself in the images below.
How Your Eye Came to Be the Color It Is...
Why do we have different-colored eyes, and what does it mean?
The Most Remarkable Medical Breakthroughs of 2024
Here’s a look at some breakthroughs in medical innovation this year.
14 Retro Inventions That Stunned Crowds Back in the Day
These inventions were the talk of the town back in the day.
Satisfy Your Curiosity About the Universe with These Q&As
Discover more about the universe by reading through these facts.
These Are the Miracles That Happen in Our Bodies Every Day
There is a lot that happens inside our bodies every single day. Did you know any of these facts?
These Bizarre Mysteries Continue to Stump Scientists!
The world of science hasn't been able to explain several bizarre phenomenon yet. Let's take a look at a few of them.
The First 3D-Printed Hotel is Already Being Built!
s evidence of this, a groundbreaking project is nearing completion, in which a hotel is being printed, and tourists will soon be able to visit it. Curious to see what it looks like?
The Real Reason Companies Prevent You from Fixing Things
Ever felt like you should be able to fix that broken gadget, but something's holding you back? Watch this to know more.
5 Robotics Trends Anticipated in 2024
What does 2024 have in store for the field of robotics?
Neon Lights: a Beautiful Union of Science and Art
Neon signs are a beautiful blend or artistry and science, and knowing the history and the science behind them make them even more exciting
Is It 3024 Already?! – 14 Wildly Futuristic Things
These revolutionary ideas are about to change our world.
Fascinating: How Fast Does Our Brain Operate?
Ever wonder at what speeds our thoughts move?
See the World From Up Close - 17 Fascinating Macro Photos
Seeing ordinary objects like honey, paracetamol, and snow through a microscopic lens teaches us how beautiful and intricate they really are!
PayPal Versus Credit Cards: Here's the Lowdown!
Just how safe is PayPal? Should you have a PayPal account or should you pay for all online purchases using a credit card? All is revealed here!
Do You Know What Alzheimer's Really Is?
This video will shed light on the different stages of this complex and incredibly destructive disease.
6 Fascinating Stories of Accidental Medical Discoveries
From penicillin to pacemakers, here are the medical breakthroughs that were discovered by accident.
Science: 20 Mechanical Principles Demonstrated Using Lego
In this video, we'll explore a variety of fascinating mechanical mechanisms, all demonstrated using Lego models.
The World's Most Dangerous Blood Type
Today we will discuss the most dangerous blood type to have, the one you cannot get an infusion for. Let's delve right in and learn about this rare blood type.
Do You Have One Of These RARE Genetic Traits?
How unique are you? You might have several rare genetic traits that make you unlike most of the world's population!
Nobody Believed These 5 Scientists, But They Were Right
These 5 scientists were shamed and ousted, or rudely ignored, although years later, their "crazy" theories turned out to be true...
GUIDE: How Alcohol Affects Us, Drink by Drink...
In this article, we're going to discuss the exact amounts of alcohol in our blood and what they look like, including how each level affects us and our ability to function.
Erecting a Behemoth: Installation of an Offshore Oilrig
How do they install an offshore oilrig? This video will show you, step by step, how it is done.
Learn Chemistry Easily with This Interactive Periodic Table
This interactive table of elements has video lectures about every element, including experiments
Was Roman Concrete Really Superior to Our Own?
How did Ancient Romans make such durable concrete that it still lasts today?
New Study: A Pill that Works Out Your Muscles?!?
New study shows that, though we are not there yet, a pill can and probably WILL come out that works out the muscles and grows them.
Neanderthals Had Strength and Skills Beyond Our Limits
Neanderthals possessed truly exceptional, almost unbelievable, traits.
The 12 Game-Changing Inventions From 2024 You Missed
2024 was a ground-breaking year in terms of innovation. Here's a look at some of the key breakthroughs from the year.
10 Obscure Inventions by World Famous Inventors
We’d like to bring your attention to 10 lesser-known inventions of famous figures in history, which will reveal a new and different side of these inventors to you.
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