Moving around becomes trickier as we age. Many seniors find regular exercise challenging, especially with joint pain or .. Read More
The Best Exercises to Stop Your Slouch
You don’t need to live with your slouch as you age. There are some easy fixes for it.
Lose ARM FAT Fast: Easy Tips for Seniors
Say goodbye to flabby arms forever with these tips.
7 Easy Ways to Reverse Receding Gums Naturally
Worried about your receding gums? These useful tips will help…
4 EASY Dizziness Exercises for Home Vestibular Rehab
Treat dizziness, vertigo, and motion sensitivity at home with these exercises.
6 Simple and Important Flexibility Exercises for Seniors
Regain flexibility after 60 with these easy exercises.
The Added Benefits of Walking No One Told You Before
We all know walking is good for our health. But we bet you didn’t know about these little-known benefits of the activity.
Learn 9 Mental Techniques to Battle Pain
Discover how to reduce your pain using the power of thought and naturally – it really works!
6 Lessons from Buddhism to Help You Change Your Life
These powerful Buddhist teachings will help you overcome fear and transform your mindset.
Which Is Better for You: Brown or White Eggs?
Are brown eggs really healthier than white eggs? Let’s find out.
Natural Methods to Improve Hearing That Actually Work
Now you can improve your hearing at home with these natural methods.
How to Treat Hand Pain that Won't Go Away
Hand pain can be mysterious and annoying as heck. We use our hands all the time and it's hard to tell sometimes why we're hurting and what to do about it as we have to continue using them. This video will give you some tips on treating this pain.
Learn Five Key Exercises for Shoulder Impingement Recovery
In this video, Dr. David will guide you through the top 5 shoulder impingement exercises to help you recover and regain your strength.
These Fruits Will Keep Seniors Healthy and Happy
Keep yourself healthy and happy in your sixties with these awesome fruits.
HOW MUCH Exercise Do I Need to Burn Off These Foods?
Before you go for that takeaway, you should see how much exercise you will need to do to burn off those calories. This chart will show you.
20+ Surprising Things About Your Skin You Never Knew!
Watch dermatologist Dr. Muneeb Shah answer some important questions about skin and dermatology.
25 Things About the Human Eye That Will Surprise You
Ophthalmologist Ashley Brissette, MD answers common eye-related questions for you.
13 Most Common Foot Issues We Suffer as We Get Older
Exploring the intricate landscape of aging, one often encounters the paradox of weight gain juxtaposed with the loss of vital cushioning in unexpected places, notably the feet.
Your Fridge May Be Full of Tainted Food. Here’s Why…
The USDA reports that salmonella is OFTEN found in poultry available at supermarkets. Learn how to prevent salmonella food poisoning in this video.
WATCH: What Causes Floaters in Your Eyes?
We can often see things floating around our field of vision, but what are they? This science video explains all.
Did You Know Your Ears Hold Secrets About Your Heart?
Could that small vertical mark on your ear have something to do with heart disease? Here is a simple test that could protect you from serious damage to your health.
10 Instant Self-Checks Worth Performing Regularly at Home
Our body can give certain signs we don't always realize are indications of a bad health or disease - learn 10 brilliant ways of checking out your body for these signs regularly from home.
Want a Strong Memory? This Study Found What You Need to Do
The positive effect of physical activity on our cognitive abilities may last up to 24 hours after completing the activity...
Health Advice: Can Too Much Iron Make You Age Faster?
Let’s take a closer look at how iron affects aging and what you can do about it.
3 Ways to Get Rid of Heartburn WITHOUT Using Antacids
Struggling with acidity and heartburn issues? These tips will help.
Don't Let Your Posture Wreak Havoc on Your Body! Try This!
How can you improve your posture? Here are three exercises you should try.
The MOST Important Exercise to Practice For Seniors
This video will walk you through one simple exercise recommended daily for older adults.
Memory Not Working? The Answer May Be Hiding in Your Sleep
If you want to remember better, this lecture will tell you - The answer is in your sleep.
Guide: How to Set Achievable Health Goals for the New Year
Here's a guide on how to set meaningful health goals for 2025.
The "Longevity Vitamin": Where Can You Get Some?
Watch the video to understand all about Ergothioneine, and why it's referred to as the "longevity vitamin".
12 Common Myths About Yoga DEBUNKED By Experts
Do you have to be flexible to practice yoga? Is yoga safe for pregnant women? Here are 12 common myths about yoga you should not buy into!
Sit Like This at the Computer to Avoid Backache
This brilliant video shows you how you can avoid back pain when sitting at your computer.
Experience Instant Benefits with This Thumb Technique!
Try this thumb reflex technique to experience multiple health benefits!
Why Do We Feel Too Thirsty? Some Specific Answers
How will you know if your constant feeling of thirst indicates a health problem?
These Tips Can Help You Beat Diabetes in 4 Weeks!
Can you really beat diabetes? These hacks are worth a try...
Multiple Myeloma: New Treatments in the Modern Age
New and innovative Treatments for Multiple Myeloma
Did This Technique Just Kill 99% of Cancer Cells?
This revolutionary method, employing the power of vibrating molecules, heralds a new dawn in the fight against cancer, offering hope for a more efficient and less invasive approach to treatment.
The Main Mineral Deficiency Causing Aging Spots
Find out what causes aging spots and how you can treat them.
This Video Taught Me All I Needed to Know About Memory
Have you ever wondered how memories form and are stored, or why some get lost, while others remain forever?
Ingrown Toenails – Myths, Facts, and How to Treat Them
Having an ingrown toenail can be an annoyance at best, and a dangerous medical condition at worst. Learn how to treat and prevent it.
Heart Arrhythmia: What is it and How to Live With It
In this video, we'll explain what arrhythmias are, their different types, and how to manage them.
Study: Can Our Sense of Time Heal Us Faster?
A recent groundbreaking study delves into how our perception of time can significantly impact the physical process of healing.
Seniors Health: Reduce Hip Pain With These Exercises
Hips troubling you more than regular? Watch this video for help.
These Exercises Bring Relief to Sciatica and Nerve Pain
A pinched nerve in the back can be a bothersome chronic condition with frequent flareups. Here's how to bring instant relief to this type of back and leg pain.
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