Milk is one of those polarizing subjects. Some say it’s a healthy, protein-rich drink packed with vitamins and minerals,.. Read More
Is Antarctica Truly Owned by No Nation?
Antarctica doesn't belong to any nation, but that doesn't mean that it's completely off-limits to everyone...
These Delicious Desserts Are Healthy Too!
These 5 easy and delicious treats are all naturally sweetened and filled with nutritious ingredients and healthy fats!
North Koreans On What Living in North Korea is Like
In this video, North Koreans will answer the web's most searched questions about North Korea.
Foods to Eat and Avoid for Collagen Production
Watch a board-certified dermatologist tell you everything you need to know about nutrition and collagen.
Fascinating - How to Brush Your Teeth in Space
Living in space comes with a lot of unexpected limitations. Personal hygiene, for example, can become a real challenge...
This Skyscraper in Brooklyn Is Pretty Special!
Until not so long ago, all skyscrapers in New York City were built in Manhattan. But there's a new project under construction in Brooklyn & it's pretty special.
The Ultimate Guide to All Things Nuts
hether you're a snacker, a cook, or just curious, you'll find plenty of reasons to make these versatile treats a staple in your pantry.
8 Psychological Tricks for Better Communication With Kids
We have compiled 8 such "tricks" that can be beneficial for your children, grandchildren, and even your nieces and nephews.
Castor Oil For Hair Loss: the Facts
Is there truth to the claims about castor oil fighting hair loss? Let's find out
Foot and Leg Pain? Try These Neuropathy Exercises
Peripheral neuropathy can be a real challenge, especially for older adults. But you can manage its symptoms with these gentle exercises.
The Complete Map to Our Most Important Pressure Points!
According to ancient oriental beliefs, every organ in the human body has a representative pressure point in the hand and the foot. Find out all about them here.
Doing This for 5 Minutes Can Lower Your Blood Pressure!
These simple and effective exercises will help lower your blood pressure almost immediately.
Constantly Clearing Your Throat? Try These Remedies
Frustrated with constant throat clearing? Try these remedies.
The Secrets to Getting More Oxygen in Your Cells
The best (and easiest) exercises for better breathing.
13 Most Common Foot Issues We Suffer as We Get Older
Exploring the intricate landscape of aging, one often encounters the paradox of weight gain juxtaposed with the loss of vital cushioning in unexpected places, notably the feet.
HOW MUCH Exercise Do I Need to Burn Off These Foods?
Before you go for that takeaway, you should see how much exercise you will need to do to burn off those calories. This chart will show you.
How to Treat Hand Pain that Won't Go Away
Hand pain can be mysterious and annoying as heck. We use our hands all the time and it's hard to tell sometimes why we're hurting and what to do about it as we have to continue using them. This video will give you some tips on treating this pain.
A 15-Minute Tai Chi Routine for Seniors to Stay Active
This ancient Chinese practice will make life easier for seniors.
Got a Stiff Neck? Give This 90-Second Treatment a Shot!
If you ever wake up and find that you have a stiff neck, this 90-second technique will help relieve it in no time at all.
Ingrown Toenails – Myths, Facts, and How to Treat Them
Having an ingrown toenail can be an annoyance at best, and a dangerous medical condition at worst. Learn how to treat and prevent it.
Improve Your Lower Back Posture in MINUTES
Is your lower back posture off? Here's how to know if it is and what exercises you should do to fix it for good.
10 Cholesterol-Rich Foods: Which are Healthiest to Eat?
This article looks at which cholesterol-rich foods are more recommended and which are less.
7 Things Stress Does to Everybody, Without Exception
Stress is one of the biggest problems we have to deal with in modern life. Here are 7 recent conclusions about stress you should know about.
What Drinking Whiskey Actually Does to Your Body
While we now know that whiskey isn't the cure-all medicine people once though it was, it does have a few proven health benefits.
10 Life-Changing Hacks for Better Glucose Levels
Transform your health with genius glucose tips.
Why Your Blood Pressure Numbers Might Be Inaccurate
These simple mistakes can lead to wrong blood pressure numbers.
Losing Muscle in Your Mature Years? Here's What You Do...
Struggling with muscle loss? Here’s how to fight back…
This is the Most Effective Way to Remove Ear Wax at Home
Remove earwax at home with this effective hack.
Fix Muscle Knots in the Neck and Shoulders in a MINUTE!
You can do these easy exercises anywhere, anytime, and they will help you get rid of muscle knots in under a minute!
Doctor Reveals the Ice Creams That Can Harm Your Health
A doctor reveals the worst and best ice creams you can eat for your health.
Struggling With Obesity? These Exercises Can Help a Lot
Struggling with obesity? Doing these exercises can change your life for the better.
12 Superfoods That Burn the Fat Off Your Diet!
These great superfoods should be part of everyone's meal!
Dr. Explains: An Ocular Migraine or a Migraine 'Aura'?
Today, we're joined by Dr. Michael Chua, who will help us understand the differences between ocular migraines and aura migraines.
The Shocking Truth About Eggs and Heart Disease
What exactly do eggs do to our arteries? Find out the truth.
50+? Try This Exercise for Stronger Legs!
Improve your balance and leg strength with this one simple exercise.
Discover What Really Causes Kidney Stones In This Video
Kidney stones can be an incredibly painful affliction, often leading to surgery in order for them to be removed from the body. Find out what causes them here.
9 Handy Body Tricks That You Will Use Again and Again!
Got a stuffy nose? Can't calm your urge to pee? Finding difficulty sneezing? Your body can save you if you know these 9 tricks!
How to Treat an Obstruction in Your Stomach
Did you know that you can naturally treat gastric obstructions by adding to organic ingredients to your diet?
10 Healing Scents That Can Do Wonders for Body and Mind
Smell evokes memories and happy memories but there’s more to scent than nostalgia. Smell offers many benefits for your body and mind.
Studies Show You Can Improve Your Bone Health with Almonds
Osteoporosis is a common illness in the US. This video shows what happens to bone cells when blood is drawn before and four hours after almond consumption.
Why Is Meningitis So Dangerous to Us?
Meningitis is one of the most terrifying diseases out there, but why is that?
How to Increase the Amount of Oxygen in Your Blood
How can we make sure we're getting enough oxygen in our breathing? This video will make sure you know how.
A Beginner's Guide for Your First Yoga Class
No prior knowledge of yoga is needed for this lesson, which will leave you knowing yoga's basics moves that you can practice at home!
All You Need to Know About Tetanus in 5 Minutes
What is the full truth regarding the sources of tetanus? What are its symptoms, and how should one act in case of suspicion of the disease?
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