Using garlic in the garden is a brilliant way to save yourself from making use of dangerous chemical fungicides and pesticides. In fact, garlic has many fungicidal, insecticidal, and antibacterial properties, among many other interesting uses.
Cut 5 garlic cloves and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Let it rest for 24 hours, then drain and dilute it with another 3 liters of water. Pour it all into a sprayer and spray it onto any plants suffering from powdery mildew.
Growing garlic close to fruit trees reduces diseases and pests. It repels weevils, borers, and fruit flies, as well as protecting peach trees from leaf curls, and apple trees from apple scab.
Mix 2 garlic bulbs and a teaspoon of liquid dish-washing soap in 2 cups of water and grind it all together. Run the mix through an unbleached cheese cloth and store it in the refrigerator. When needed, just add one gallon of water and spray it onto any infected plants.
Garlic is a natural snake-repellent, so get planting to make sure that your garden is 100% snake-free!
Garlic is by far one of the best and most non-toxic ways of keeping pesky moles away from your garden. Place pieces of whole or crushed garlic into their tunnels, and they’ll be forced to leave the area.
Inter-planting garlic with peppers, carrots, eggplant, and tomatoes can help to deter a number of pests, such as spider mites, aphids, Japanese beetles, and carrot root fly.
Cut up a large garlic bulb, and pour a liter of boiling water over it. After letting it stand for a full 24 hours, pour it all over a bed of carrots. The powerful smell it gives off will make sure that carrot flies, aphids, and grasshoppers keep their distance.
Take 3 or 4 garlic cloves, 4 hot green peppers, a teaspoon of vegetable oil, ¾ teaspoon liquid soap, and 3 cups of water. Puree the cloves and pepper, and pour it into a spray bottle. Then, add the oil, water, and liquid soap, before letting it stand for 24 hours. Once you’ve strained out the pulp, your homemade pesticide is ready to use immediately.
When combined with peppers, garlic serves as a natural deterrent for rats, mice, voles, rabbits, deer, and elk.
If you’re raising chickens, consider adding crushed fresh garlic cloves to their drinking water. This will help boost their appetite and make their immune systems more efficient.
Source: balconygardenweb
Images: depositphotos
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