Washing Your Dog with Apple Cider Vinegar
1. Make a Rinse to Improve Your Dog’s Skin and Coat
If your dog already has fleas, you can drown them by using a mixture of soapy water and apple cider vinegar. Make a mixture of ½ a gallon of water, ¼ cup of dish soap, and ½ gallon of apple cider vinegar.
Bathe your dog in the solution. Cover every part of its fur and use your fingers to work the solution all the way to the skin. You will want to work up a good lather to kill the fleas. Let the solution sit on your dog for around 10 minutes, before washing off. Avoid getting any of the solution in your dog’s eyes.
Treating Your Dog with Apple Cider Vinegar
5. Improve Your Dog’s General Health by Using Apple Cider Vinegar Twice a Week
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The Dash Diet is Perfect for Healthy Weight Loss!
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This Video Taught Me How to REALLY Clean My Mattress
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