In recent years, we have seen (in most parts of the Western world) laws introduced to control the use of plastic bags, in an attempt to encourage us to reuse and recycle them. Nevertheless, this has not been introduced everywhere and those of us who do not dispose of our plastic bags, end up with scores of unused bags at home. So, what can you do to reuse both plastic bags, and plastic zipper bags?
These 15 ways may surprise you.
In the kitchen:
1. Use a plastic bag to store buns, cookies, and bread to keep them fresh for longer. In which case, a zipper plastic bag would be more ideal - allowing you to reuse the same bag over and over again.
2. When peeling your vegetables, do so over a plastic bag - to make separate your waste all the more easier. This will also allow you to easily transport peels to your compost bin.
3. When working with especially messy foods, put a couple of plastic bags over your hands - a great alternative for gloves.
4. When defrosting meat and placing it in the fridge, put it in a plastic bag to keep the juices from spilling onto other foods.
In the bathroom:
5. When you want to read in a bathtub, place your tablet or phone in a zipper bag.
6. One way to remove soap scum and mildew from your shower head is to fill a plastic bag with distilled vinegar and tie it around your shower head.
7. If you've got any leftover slivers from soap bars, put them into a plastic bag. When the bag is full, melt the pieces together to create a new bar of soap.
In the garden:
8. Cut a plastic bag in half and use it to protect your knees from getting dirty when weeding the garden.
9. Help plants sprout by covering small pots with plastic bags to create a mini greenhouse.
Around the house:
10. Fill a plastic bag with a damp cloth and put it in the freezer - a smart way to create a DIY ice pack. 11. Use small plastic bags to store craft supplies like sequins, sticker, glue, so on and so forth.
In the car:
12. For a makeshift trash can, tie a plastic bag to the back of a headrest.
13. To keep ice and snow from accumulating on your side mirrors and windshield wipers, wrap them up in plastic bags.
When traveling:
14. To keep your shoes from getting scuffled and to keep other items in your suitcase from getting dirty, pack them in a plastic bag. 15. Carry an extra plastic bag with you to store dirty clothes and underwear.
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