What would be one of the worst crimes to commit if you were a sheep living in the medieval times?
Why was the medieval knight polishing his dress before going for the Queens's dinner party? Because he wanted to have a night in shining armor!
Knights have always used one type of lamp since medieval times. These lamps are now called Knight Lamps.
When many knights were being killed by guns and bombs, the medieval scientist discovered a weapon that would destroy all their enemies. It was known as the knightrogen bomb!
In the medieval ages, many knights had to travel throughout day and night. In order to increase their visibility in darkness, they invented a device known as the knightvision goggles.
Did you know that back in medieval times, soldiers would sleep with lanterns next to them so they could see if something happened.
They were called "Knight Lights"
How did they name those guys who wore shiny armor in medieval times?
They couldn't think of a name, so they decided to call it a knight.
When does a medieval soldier sleep?
Knight time
When does a medieval soldier sleep?
Knight time
Lance is an uncommon name nowadays but in medieval times...
people were called Lance a lot.
What do you call a Medieval knight who's always sure of himself?
Sir Tainly.