Dealer Jokes

An art dealer and a painter are having a conversation.

Art Dealer: "I have good news and bad news. Good news is, a person came up to me this afternoon to ask about the value of your art. When I told him that it would increase in value after your death, he immediately bought ALL of them."
Painter: "Wow! What's the bad news?"

Art Dealer: "He was your doctor."
My drug test came back negative. My dealer sure has some explaining to do.
Why has the prosthesis dealer become a private detective?
He has a nose for these things.
Why did the T-Rex only sell hand-guns?
He was a small-arms dealer.
I buy all my guns from a guy named T-Rex...
He's a small arms dealer.
What do you call a dwarf who sells prosthetic limbs?
A small arms dealer.
Why did the girl decide to become an art dealer? Because she wanted more Monet.
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