Berry Jokes

When strawberries, blueberries or blackberries meet another berry they like and want to get married who do they go see?
The marionberry
A Blueberry asked a strawberry to go to hell.
That was berry rude of him
When you come across a strawberry that uses foul language, it must be berry rude.
The baby strawberries were berry upset when they heard that both their parents were in the jam.
A strawberry's favorite celebrity is Mary Berry.
I saw a real rob-bbery today. It happened right before my berry eyes.
Why is the strawberry loved dearly by everyone? Because it is berry sweet.
When Berry the dog dug up the woman's strawberry patch, she angrily exclaimed "That is the final straw, Berry."
I found a sour strawberry today. It was berry bad.
When you want to propose to a person who loves strawberries, just say, "I love you berry much."
Strawberries have berry good eyesight because they are packed with a lot of Vitamin See.
Q: How do you call a magic berry?
A: Cherry Potter.
Q: What do you call a scary berry?
A: A boo-berry.
I recently went to a soft fruit party, where all the food was berry based. It was cherrific.
What do fruits look for at a talent show? A berry that can really cherry a tune.
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