15 Beautiful Carl Sagan Quotes on the Stars and the Cosmos
A look at some profound quotes on the universe by famous astronomer and cosmologist Carl Sagan.
Expand Your Knowledge with These Intriguing Facts
They say those who keep learning stay young. So if you're a keen learner, check out these fascinating facts about history, nature, and a variety of other topics!
Thought Nature is Wild? See It Under a Microscope
You won't believe the things you could discover by looking at everyday items under a microscope.
Astronaut Chris Hadfield Debunks Fascinating Space Myths
Chris Hadfield the astronaut makes sense of some of the wildest space myths and facts.
Deep Science: Why is Our Universe the Way It is?
Get ready to understand the Universe like never before...
Math Can be Fun! Here are 13 Cool Facts to Prove it
Here are 13 facts and tricks that reveal the power and beauty of mathematics. Mastering it is easier than we think!
6 Things You Didn’t Know about the Vikings
Facts and misconceptions about Vikings and how they shaped European history
Travel History With These Amazing Photos of Yesteryear
Amazing photos reveal 150 years of history.
The True Scale of These Things Will Really Surprise You!
Did you know that there are actually a lot of things in our world that are far bigger in reality than most people would expect. Here of 20 of them.
These Optical Illusions Made Me Question Everything I See!
These optical illusions really give credence to the notion that the human eye is far from infallible. Here are 20 mind-bending optical illusions for you to try.
4 Of the Strangest Unsolved Mysteries of All Time
Despite investigators' best efforts, these strange mysteries have remained unsolved...
This Man Will Teach You to Speak So You Are Always Heard
Julian Treasure is a sound expert who has been researching human speech and the psychology behind it and is now sharing his findings, teaching people how to speak so that others will listen.
10 Jaw-Dropping History Facts We Never Knew Were True...
These little-known historical facts and stories show us just how little we all know about life’s mysteries and history’s twists and turns.
Incredible Maps: The World of Second Languages!
We all know the main languages, but these maps of second languages really surprised me!
These Things Will All Happen in the Next 24 Hours
The world is incredibly busy, and doesn't stop moving for anyone. Millions of things happen every second but these 19 things will happen over the next 24 hours.
Wow! These People Had Someone Looking Over Them!
These lucky people had some guardian angel looking over them that day!
5 Widespread Legal Myths Dispelled by a Lawyer
Do you have to wait 24 hours to report a missing person? Can you marry your cousin? The answers from this lawyer to both of these questions will surprise you!
Rare Celebrity Pics from the '90s You Haven't Seen Before
These celebrity photos from the 1990s will make you nostalgic.
These Photos Prove: Time & Angle Make All the Difference!
These fascinating comparison photos highlight what a huge difference time angle can make!
How Are Men and Women Different? A Few Good Examples
In this series of funny but true pictures, we get a quick tour of some of the major differences between men and women...
The Real Life Spy Who Inspired the James Bond Series
Dusko Popov served as a double-agent spy during World War II. He also happened to cross paths with James Bond's creator, Ian Fleming...
These Fun Charts and Guides Teach You Tons of Cool Stuff
These charts and guides will come in handy. Save them!
Look Back at These Iconic Royal Wedding Photos
Royal Weddings were always a cause for public celebration and fascination. Here are some of the most iconic royal wedding photos in history.
Send An Affectionate Kiss to Someone You Love Today
To someone you love, a kiss can say a whole lot, and that's why we've put this adorable collection together for you. Share your affection with them today.
8 Facts You Learned at School that Are No Longer True!
The passage of time leads things that were once accepted as facts to actually be proven as incorrect. Here are 8 supposed facts that aren’t really true.
The Encyclopedia Won’t Tell You These Unique Facts
Here are 12 unique and curious facts about the world that will definitely surprise you.
That Time Sinatra Told a True Story About Don Rickles
40 years ago Frank Sinatra appeared on the Johnny Carson show. Unbeknownst to him, Don Rickles surprised him by appearing there, and Sinatra told a funny and true story about the both of them.
Snuggle Up with These Feel-Good TV Shows This Winter
Cozy up this winter with these feel-good TV shows.
Keep a Conversation Flowing With These Historical Facts
If a conversation you're having starts to stall, just throw out some of these amazing historical facts and you’ll be talking long into the night!
10 Food Products You Should Never Freeze
Take note of this list of food products that should be kept far away from the freezer.
I Can't Wait to Try These Exciting Kitchen Inventions
Whether you like cooking of not, you'll surely appreciate these ingenious kitchen gadgets designed to make life easier.
Watch Andrea Bocelli and His Daughter Perform "Hallelujah"
Watch the legendary singer Andrea Bocelli perform a beautiful rendition of the famous song "Hallelujah" with his little daughter.
7 Notable Han Dynasty Inventions That Changed the World
Here, we look at some of the great inventions from the Han dynasty of China that had a great impact on the world.
7 Ancient Buildings That Have Survived the Test of Time
Here is a look at some wonderful ancient structures that have survived the test of time.
7 Must-Read Books That Will Get You Interested in History
These interesting history books will make you look at our world and our past from a different perspective.
30 Historic Artifacts With Centuries of Beauty.
These 30 pieces from history are a shining example of how stunning such works can be.
Enrich Your Knowledge with These 18 Fascinating Facts!
Whether you love trivia, history, or just want to keep feeding your brain, these 18 facts will do for you.
8 Must-Watch Movies for Fans of Mythology and Folklore
Mythology and folklore from around the world have inspired several films, and these are some of the best.
Listen to 7 of History's Most Famous Speeches
This article brings you the words of 7 of the most famous and impassioned speeches in history.
I Just Wanted to Remind You: You're the BEST!
Do you know someone who ought to be given some appreciation? Make their day today by congratulating them with a sweet compliment!
Discussing 10 of the Most Expensive Divorces in History
Presented are ten of history's most exorbitant divorce settlements, serving as testament to just how expensive these events can truly be.
Where Did These Common Sayings Come From? Fascinating!
You're probably aware of these common sayings, but where did they originate from? Fascinating!
Can You Guess the English Word With Over 600 Meanings?
The English language has been around for so many centuries, it has gathered quite an elusive and industrious history, as seen in these facts
Of the Transformative Power of Classical Music...
A fascinating TED talk by Benjamin Zander.
Send Christmas Wishes to Your Friends This Festive Season
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Send this video to your closest and dearest friends to let them know that you're thinking of them.
LET IT ROT: Why Young Chinese are Simply Giving Up
What is the bai lan movement, why are Chinese youth drawn to it and what does it mean for China.
Hello, January: Inspiring Quotes to Greet the New Month
Let’s start the new year with these amusing and inspiring January quotes.