3D Illusionist Maps That Will Make You Doubt Your Eyes
Take a look at a cartographer's work, turning vintage maps into colorful works of art to honor USA wilderness
How on Earth Could Tennis Rackets be Considered Art?
Explore the works of Danielle Clough, who embroiders floral designs on vintage tennis rackets.
12 Vintage Luxury Cars That will Make You Nostalgic
12 beautiful vintage cars that are no longer on the road, but should be back
This Artist Turns Vintage Objects into 3d Art
Enjoy 10 photos of artist Kirsty Elson, who makes nautical-themed miniatures from vintage objects.
Working for Years, This Student Built Something Incredible
he following pictures showcase Luca's exceptional talent and the incredible model he built of a Boeing 777
Delicate, Colorful, Magical: the Work of Stéphanie Kilgast
Explore the enticing worlds unfolding in Stéphanie Kilgast's works of art.
The 50 Most Famous Pieces of Classical Music
Enjoy this incredible collection of 50 classical pieces.
25 Breathtaking Buildings That Deserve More Attention
If you’ve never seen these breathtaking buildings, you're seriously missing out!
Can You See the Faces in These Mind-Bending Paintings?
Portraits by Oleg Shuplyak are special because they are very clever optical illusions. Can you see all the famous figures in these paintings?
This Genius Magician Just Lost Control of His Legs!
This French illusionist totally took me by a surprise! This is a visual display of uncanny excellence and mystery.
This Bizarre Magic Trick Will Really 'String' You Along...
Mac King's magic always gets me. I never have any clue how he can possibly fool me, but he does so time and time again. Encore!
How Could Carvings so Intricate & Tiny Have Been Handmade?
These boxwood carvings are among the most mysterious little wonders in art history. Now, finally, science appears to have explained just how they were made.
This Japanese Tradition Takes Art to a New Level!
See how the Japanese continue the tradition of the rice harvest season by creating gigantic straw sculptures.
This Woman Collects Dead Flowers for a Beautiful Reason
Bridget Collins has been collecting dead flowers for a long time. She uses them in a most unusual and delightful way...
Mary Poppins by André Rieu is Pure Delight!
André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra perform the famous Mary Poppins song, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Watch a video of the performance.
I Was Blown Away by the Detail in these Spectacular Art Works
Calvin Nicholls' technique seems to be a cross between drawing and sculpture. He uses fine lines of an intricate sketch, yet captures three-dimensionality of a statue. This is a collection of his incredible work.
7 Outstanding Examples of Byzantine Architecture
Visiting or just admiring any of the 7 Byzantine buildings we showcase in this article is quite a life-changing experience!
Listen to This Stunning Rendition of a Christmas Classic
Pentatonix is an acapella group that is known throughout the world for its members' singing ability. Listen to them perform a Christmas classic in this video.
Ten Art Pieces You Always Wanted to Know More About
Once in a while, a true master comes along, enriching humanity with their art, like these 10 great masters and their masterpieces.
30 Works of Art by Vincent van Gogh You May Not Have Seen
Van Gogh is an artist most well know for the severing of his ear and his painting Starry Night. Here are a few other treasures he created.
15 of the Most Beautiful Buildings in Art Nouveau Style
Art Nouveau architecture includes some of the most beautiful buildings that ever existed! Here, you will see 15 beautiful Art Nouveau buildings across the world.
This Artist Puts Her Unique Spin on Old Masters’ Art
Many artists are inspired by Renaissance art, but this Maria Vasilyeva's take on it is truly awe-inspiring.
8 Historical Biographies that Come Extremely Recommended
Exploring 8 fantastic historical biographies and offering an alternative read for each subject.
A Spellbinding Violin Rendition of a Beautiful Classic
Norwegian violinist Mari Samuelsen plays a beautiful part of Vivaldi's 4 seasons, Concerto no. 2, Summer.
Joni Mitchell: the Singer-Songwriter Who Could Do it All
The best songs by Joni Mitchell throughout the years
A Huge Domino Display with 35,000 Pieces!
This marvelous domino display is made of 35,000 pieces, as well as a lot of other objects that add to the fun. Watch it all unfold!
These Stunning Paintings Are a Joy to Behold
Evgeny Lusphin is a contemporary artist who paints landscapes so rich and beautiful you almost feel like you can step inside them.
Discover the Stories of 5 of France's Greatest Artists
Come discover the French painters, and through their works also the history and development of modern French art.
18 Beautiful Mosaics Made Entirely of Pebbles
Justin Bateman recreates famous artworks like the Mona Lisa and Michelangelo's David using only colorful pebbles. Take a look.
What a Fantastically Creative Musical Performance!
The Piano Guys do it again with this mix of classical and modern music that creates an unforgettable performance.
This Video Collection Will Turn You Into an Artist!
If you've ever wanted to learn how to draw but had no clue how to start, all that's about to change thanks to this video guide. Watch the videos and draw away!
Is This Really How These Famous People Talked?
Mimicking an accent can be difficult. Watch this expert analyze 17 actors who played real-life characters. Did they nail it or not?
This Is Arguably the Most Beautiful Ice Show Ever!
18 Russian ice skaters sealed their place in history with this amazing dance set to Whitney Houston's classic love song.
Richard Jones' Magical Performance Leaves Everyone in Awe
Richard Jones's magical performance on the talent show 'Britain's Got Talent' leaves the judges and the audience stunned! How does he do it?
These Artists Have Unique Ways of Creating Masterpieces
Here are 13 artists who have innovated amazing new and unique ways of creating different types of art, making use of the most unconventional material, from sink strainers to bubble wrap.
What This Performer Does With Hoops is Astonishing
I've never seen anyone perform like that with just a hula hoop.
This Emotional Duet Gave Me Goosebumps of Pleasure
These two world-famous artists are amazingly talented singing alone, let alone when they join to give an emotional duet like this.
Watch a Talented Young Dancer Turn the World Upside Down!
Veronika Khistova is only 14 in this video, but she makes everyone laugh with her upside-down dancer routine!
This Beautiful Little Story is a Visual Delight
In this gorgeous, award-winning little animated short, you'll find a mouse with a great ambition.
André Rieu Couldn't Believe His Luck with This Performance
Andre Rieu and BOND are such a match made in heaven. I don't think I've ever seen a happier musical performance in my life. This'll put you in the right mood!
We Can’t Take Our Eyes Off These Beauties!
Step inside a magical garden, a tactile world full of lush fields, whimsical flowers, and dainty butterflies made entirely out of thread.
I Bet That You've Never Seen Cars Quite Like These...
Each year thousands of people gather at the Burning Man festival to gasp at some of the craziest-looking cars. Take a look.
This Little Girl Makes Music That Speaks to All Ages
When she plays the harp, it's like fairy tales coming to life, infusing the world with magic...
From a Simple Drawing Emerges an Artwork of Sublime Beauty
It takes a while for this painting to emerge, but when it does it's amazing. Watch this great video demonstrate how an art piece comes to life.
Logs Can Be Turned Into Art If You've Got the Eye for It
These pictures prove that even piling wood can be turned into a work of art.