Concrete Jokes

Last evening I walked up the hill in the park to see the planets. Stumbled over a lip in the concrete and went down pretty hard. Ripped pants and skinned hands and knees. When I got to the top I couldn't see a thing.

The view was NOT worth the trip.
Some kids pee their name in the snow. Chuck Norris can pee his name in dry concrete.
I quit my job at the concrete plant.
My job was getting harder & harder.
The density of this concrete leads me to believe one thing: it is a hard court.
Two fish are swimming in a river, when one of them hits a concrete wall. He turns to the other and says: "Dam"
What did the fish say when it hit a concrete wall "Dam!"
If a robber robs a house under renovation and accidentally leaves his handprint on wet cement,
Does that mean that the police have concrete evidence?