Snow Puns

It's getting cold in here... It must be these Cool Snow Puns!

Snow Puns

What is it called when a snowman has a temper tantrum?
A meltdown!
How do you keep the snow from giving you cold feet?
Don’t go around BRRfooted!
How one snowman greets the other one?
Ice to meet you.
How does a penguin build a house?
Igloos it together.
How would you scare a snowman?
Get a hairdryer!
What do you call an old snowman?
How do you find Will Smith in the snow?
You look for Fresh Prints!
Where does a snowman keep his money?
In a snow bank.
What type of diet did the snowman go on?
The Meltdown Diet.
If the sun shines while it’s snowing, what should you look for?
What do snowmen wear on their heads?
Ice caps.
What did the snowman order at Wendy’s?
A Frosty.
Why did Frosty the snowman want a divorce?
Because he thought his wife was a flake.
How do Eskimos make their beds?
With sheets of ice and blankets of snow.
What sort of ball doesn’t bounce?
A snowball!
How does a Snowman get to work?
By icicle.
If you live in an igloo made of snow, what’s the worst thing about global warming?
No privacy!
What kind of money snowmen use in the North Pole?
Cold cash!
What did the snowman order at the fast food restaurant?
An ice burger extra cheese.