Science Pick Up Lines

These funny science pick up lines are so funny and terrible they may just work!

Science Pick Up Lines

If I was an operating system, your process would have top priority.
You must be vaporizing from a solid-state because I think you are absolutely sublime.
I’m attracted to you like the earth is attracted to the sun – with a large force inversely proportional to the distance squared.
I’ll open your heart like Nixon opened the door to China in ’72.
I must be a litmus paper, and you must be acid. Because every time I come into contact with you, I turn all red.
Are you good at math? Can you help me solve for x? X = your number.
Are you a singularity? Not only are you attractive, but the closer I get to you, the faster time seems to slip by.
Wow, you're undeniably exothermic! I bet you get that reaction a lot.
Can you tell me the oxidation state of this atom? If you can’t, then you can tell me your phone number instead?
You are the square to my root.
Are you the moon? Because even when it’s dark you still seem to shine.
Like the ideal vacuum, you’re the only thing in my universe.
Of all the rocks in the world, I’d pick you.
Roses are red. Bromothymol is blue. My love for you doesn’t have an endpoint.
Hi, I’m a T-cell, and I’m here to protect you from everything.
I hear you don’t like fractions. So will you let me be your other half?
If we were binary, you’d be the one for me.
Did you invent the airplane? ‘Cause, you seem Wright to me.
You’re so hot you make my lab goggles fog up.
Like America to Hawaii in 1898, you’ve annexed my heart.
Did you just swallow a magnet? Because I’m so attracted to you right now.
If you were an element you'd be francium because you're the most attractive.
If there was no gravity on this planet, I would still fall for you.
You are so hot, you must be what is causing Global Warming.
You must be mitochondria because you are the powerhouse of my heart.
The direction fields of my heart all point to you.
Do you live on Mars? ‘Cause, you look out of this world.
Let’s show Potassium and water that the two of us can make a more energetic reaction together than them!
You are such a perfect arrangement of atoms.
Are you a compound of beryllium and barium? Because you’re a total BaBe.
I’m not an astronomer, but I still promise to give you the sun, moon, and stars.
Are you a centripetal force? Because you make my world go round.
Copernicus was wrong, you are the center of my universe.
I’m not being obtuse, you are acute girl.
I have successfully managed to synthesize a protein that makes two people fall in love. Do you want to try it?
My feelings for you have grown exponentially.
Hey girl, you won’t need the Rosetta Stone to translate my love for you.
I’m more interested in you than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Do you want to be my lab partner? I think we could have some great chemistry together.
Hey girl…
Can I call-cu-later?
My name? It's Bond. Covalent Bond.
I love all of your stratified layers!
The square root of all my fantasies is you.
I’m no James Monroe, but I can give you an Era of Good Feelings.
The Tsar Bomba, the most powerful nuclear explosive in recorded history, has an output of 57 megatons of TNT
And that pales in comparison to how much of a bombshell you are.
You must be copper because I always cu in my dreams.
Hey, would you like to be lab partners? It would be a pleasure to do some anatomy and biology experiments with you.
How about drinking some alcohol to catalyze your love reaction a bit more?
You have changed my world to polar coordinates. Complex and imaginary things now have a magnitude and direction.
Give me just a FRACTION of your heart and I will SOLVE all of your problems.