Italy Puns

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Italy Puns

How do cats say goodbye in Italy?
What do you call a cat from Italy?
What do you call the generation of people that migrated from Italy?
Me and my friend were going to a costume party. He told me he was coming as a small island off the coast of Italy.
I said don’t be Sicily.
Why did Italy surrender in WW2?
Because Italics aren't bold.
Took a tour of Pisa, Italy...
Tour guide said “Hello, my name is Eileen.”
My local Italian restaurant is moving to Italy
They are moving to greener pasta.
Did you hear about the spies trying to infiltrate japan, Italy, and Germany in WWII?
They were denied axis.
My son asked me what Micheal Jackson was doing in Italy
I told him he was "sight-heeheeing."
After hearing about my history major, my dad said, “You should go visit Italy in late August.Then you can witness The Fall of Rome."
What is the rough part of Italy called?
The spaghetto.