Electricity Puns

These puns are so good they're shocking! But don't be phased, these electricity puns are the best!

Electricity Puns

Did you hear about the baker that accidentally backed into an open oven...?
His buns were toasted.
I hid the control for the TV
I’m not even remotely sorry.
Why did the monk meditate with a light bulb?
He hoped it would help him to reach enlightenment.
TV repair during lockdown has been pretty easy.
It’s mostly remote work.
A cow not being on the grill for very long is a rare occurrence.
I asked my son to stop leaving the freezer door open.
I told him, “This is why we can’t have ice things.”
How many students does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They use CFLs!
I wonder who invented the air conditioner...
Must’ve been a pretty cool guy.
What did the light bulb say to the generator? ‘I really get a charge out of you!”
My friend asked me why I was wearing a lamp shade over my face.
I replied, "I am feeling light headed."
A wind turbine saw a solar panel at an energy convention. He leaned in and shouted, Hey, I’m a big fan!”
Even the most intelligent people can’t survive a day without electricity, like Stephen Hawking.
If you plant a light bulb in your garden, does it grow into a power plant?
I put a humidifier and dehumidifier in the same room. What do you think will happen? That's a mist-ery.
When you clean out a vacuum cleaner, you make the vacuum cleaner.
What is a light bulb’s favorite kind of news?
Current events.
Did you hear about the guy who fell into the industrial cake mixer?
He's feeling much batter now.
My friend keeps the toaster on the lowest setting
I suspect he's got black toast intolerance
I'm thinking about writing a book about lamps. I think its a bright idea
What do you call a catholic toaster strudel?
A pope tart.
I bought a lamp for my friend
To brighten their day
What do you call a gorilla stuck in a ventilation shaft?
A Duct-ape.
What powers an electric kettle?
I bought a new heater for my wife.
She didn't like it first, but now I think she's warmed up to it.
If you think that your phone, laptop, microwave and fridge spying on you is bad
Then you should know that your vaccum cleaner has been collecting dirt on you for a while .
My wife asked if I knew how to turn on the dishwasher.
I told her I would some flirty compliments.
I feel uncomfortable next to my fridge
It's way too cool for me
An electrician needed to change 8 fluorescent lamps to brighten up a large conference room at our office. I asked him if he needed a hand carrying them.
He said no, this is light.
What was the light bulb’s occupation?
He was a conductor
What does a confident kettle have
What is the energy provider’s favorite dance? The electric slide.”
Why do Russian teapots have to go to bed early?
Because samovars have to work tomorrow.
My favorite crime TV show has a duck as the main character.
He always quacks the case.
I took my friends watch that had an LED flashlight on it.
Now it's my time to shine.
There's a programme about the history of perfume on TV tonight.
It's on at 8pm on Chanel Number 5!
What is an electrician’s favorite flavor of ice cream? Shock-a-lot.”
The guy who got arrested for eating batteries…. He is to be charged in the morning.
She wanted a microwave for her birthday...
So I pointed and fired my shrink ray at her hand.
In the darkness, is where a flashlight really shines!
Today, I changed a light bulb, crossed a street, and walked into a bar.
My life is a joke.
Why did the freezer run away on its marriage?
It got cold feet
I couldn't resist this flirty TV remote...
It was an instant turn on.
Apparently adding a fireplace to your home is the hot new trend...
...and chimney installations are through the roof!
How can you tell the camera was afraid of the toaster?
Everytime he looked at it, it made him shutter.
Did you hear about the abusive flashlight? It was charged with battery.
I just put some meat in the oven.
It’s bacon.
What is a jedi electrician’s favorite tool?
His lightsaber.
I didn't know if I could crawl through heating vents to escape from prison...
After I duct, I found I conduit!
My wife told me to stop eating Christmas leftovers out the fridge...
But I just can’t quit cold turkey
What football team do energy providers root for the most? The Chargers”